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[Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[Your both 20-ish in this

[Shuichi's POV]

I walked around and waited for [Y/N] to show up, my uncle had recently came back to promote me to head detective. I still wanted her around to see what progess I've made. Maybe I can buy a nice house for us.

"C'mon where are you"
I paced more and saw his car park in the lot, then [Y/N] walked in just before him.

"Where have you been?"

"I got coffee for us! Was I late"

"N-No, just in time, I'm just nervous"

"I'm sure you did well to get this promotion"

"Yea I did, I kinda wanna make my own agency"

"I'm sure that would be impressive, but it's all your choice"
I opened my mouth to speak when my uncle's loud voice boomed in the lobby.

"Heyyy, how's my nephew and his girlfriend!"

"Were fine uncle, nice to see you"
I took off my hat and quick checked to see if my shirt was buttoned.

"Don't be so anxious, we can do the promotion in a office if the guest bother you"

"Thanks, you still know me well"

"You don't change much"
I grabbed [Y/N]'s hand and we headed to a office when a "karen" yelled at the counter.

[Y/N's POV]

I walked over and wondered what was happening.

"Your son is missing?"

"Yes, so I deserve a free case"


"He went somewhere and hasn't been back"

"Is he at school?"

I stepped a bit closer and intervened a bit.

"Sorry but did he carry a backpack and school stuff"

"Yes but I don't think school teachs him"

"He is not missing then"

"Ugh! I will leave a 1 star report"
She stormed out and I just walked away as another person came up.

Shuichi and his uncle closed a door and I assumed he was getting his promotion. I got on my phone and waited for them to come out.

[Shuichi's POV]

We watched as [Y/N] walked over and my uncle leaned into my ear.

"We can do the promotion now"

We headed to a office and I felt bad not waiting but knew I couldn't do it well with her around.

"My old office, well it's now yours so here are the keys"

"Thanks, it's pretty big"

"Your welcome"

"Any memories you want out of here"

"Only a picture of me and my wife, I love her alot"

"Ok, let's grab it"
We ended up searching the office for a while before someone knocked on the door.

"Yes, we're busy"

"I know you just came back but is this yours? I found it and the frame was broken"

"Lucky me! Yup"
He took the picture and put it in his pocket.

"Welp, the badge is in one of the drawers, have fun showing off"

"Thanks Uncle Naiku"
I opened the door with the keys and went out to see [Y/N] on her phone.

"Hey? Wanna meet my uncle, we haven't hung out but your here"

"Of course!"
I held her hand and walked out. I saw my uncle getting into his car.

[Y/N's POV]

Shuichi called his uncle and he walked back to us. I felt a bit nervous as he was a big guy.

"Wanna hang or something? I have to get groceries"

"Yea, plus you can meet my girlfriend better, [Y/N] this is my uncle Naiku"

"Hello [Y/N]"
I awkwardly shook his hand and we headed to his car. I still felt off but Shuichi trusted him. His car started making noise but never actually started.

"I think the brakes or something is off"


"Not much problems, we can walk"
They got out the car while I wondered if I was bad luck but soon followed. We made light conversation about my parents until we got to the store.

"Ah, all we need is bread and milk, maybe butter if Akyo texts me"

"Who is Akyo"

"My wife"

"Oh! I didn't know"

"It's fine missy"
He started heading to the bread section and I looked to see the milk being restocked. After a closer look it was actually being unstocked. I walked over and asked the worker what was going on.

"The electricity buzzed out and the milk spoiled today"

"Oh, thats unlucky"

"A store across the city has milk, can't promise quality"
I nodded my head in thanks and left to Shuichi and his uncle to tell them.

"Uh, guys, the milk is spoiled"


"Yea, electricity went out"

"Bummer, no more pancakes"

He started to leave while Shuichi went to the candy isle and I followed his uncle in confusion.

"Go with him, he loves getting candy for you"

"Oh, sorry I was just confused"

"I can tell you how to get there if you don't know"

"Please? I don't shop here often"
He told me go straight then left and look for big words, specifically Candy. I kept doing it until I ended up in the clothing isle.


I'm lost



K, comin

I stared at my phone and sighed in relief when Shuichi came.

"We can check out"

"Ok, cool"
He held my hand and headed to a random checkout which was broken, the only one that worked was the one with a worker.

"I can do the order babe"

"No thanks, maybe self-checkout just takes money"

"I know you have social anxiety"

I took the candy and walked up, buyibg it with my own cash and saw Shuichi at the door.

"Where is your Uncle"

"His wife needs him"


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