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[Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[Is platonic

[???'s POV]

I was rolling on the floor laughing at the mess I made, I saw Yasuhiro and threw my last tomato at him. I saw a teacher and ran not wanting to get in trouble.

[Y/N's POV]

I was walking looking for Yasuhiro or someone to hang out with after cleaning the mess the cafeteria fight caused. I saw some janitors pasting by. They just looked pissed for some reason and I didn't want to ask about it. I walked to it and saw Yasuhiro being told off.

"Young man you can't make a big mess and expect to get away with this"

"But I never did it! I left to not get dirty"

"Sure sure, show me your 'dirty' clothing"

"May I go to my locker then?"

"NO, your just trying to get away"

"I'm not though"

"Yes you are, clean up this mess tofay or get detention!"

"Yes ma'am"
He grabbed the cleaning supplies and I grabbed some as well.

"Got in trouble"

"Yea, for something I didn't even do!"

"I could help"

I crouched down and started wiping some mashed potatos off the floor, seeing all of the mess that occured after I ran. I'm glad I left when it was only the cereal.

[A hour-ish later]

I was still wiping and throwing out food I looked and saw that 4th hour must have stopped as students were in the halls. Not minding much I just stayed low to not get seen. I heard footsteps coming up to me and saw the checkered scarf.

"I see my mess had been ruined!"

"Kokichi? What are you doing?"

"Watching my upperclassmen clean my mess, anyway I'm sorry that you had to work [Y/N]-senpai"

"Ok, you should take my role then?"

"Of course I wouldn't! I'm taking your boyfriends spot"

"He isn't my boyfriend, were just good friends"

"Haha! Yasuhiro! Your girlfriend is here!"
I saw him stand up and walk over while Kokichi kept stopping me from working.

"What? Uh Kokichi?"

"Sorry, I can clean for you Hiro-kun"
Yasuhiro looked at me and slyly texted me while just making conversation with Kokichi"

Hey is he being honest?

I skipped it over and gave my cleaning supplies to Kokichi.

"If you wanna clean, then clean for us both!"

"O-Oh, but I wanna clean with [Y/N]-senpai! Waaaa!"
I ignored his act and ran away with Yasuhiro while Kokichi was distracted

[I could have made this longer, off, sorry for it being short

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