If they were the culprit:Dr1 girls

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-She was planning and sleeping with Makoto and killing him

-It was sucessfull and everyone pitted her

-You went to comfort whole she cried

-Then she realized what she did

-She cried out of guilt until the trial

-Byakuya had evidence of her being the blackened

-You defended her

-Her guilt just exploded after every agrument

-Soon Monokuma just told the answer

-You passed out from shock

-She died-oof

Can I rebless her tale?

Sakura-[Slight spoilers chp.4]
-She asked to meet up with Toko and Yasuhiro

-She knew Byakuya wouldn't come if she asked

-Aoi comforted ber and left to get a protain shake

-Sakura revealed her blade and waited for a person

-Toko had seen because she was in the locker

-Sakura heard her and stabbed her

-Toko died and Sakura ran away

-Even though she acted nice, she was always a traitor and cheater

-Aoi couldn't believe what she saw when she got back

-She had knew of Sakura's deep intentions so she was going to poison her

-Toko was unfortunately too early to the meeting

-Aoi alerted everyone and told them what happened

-No one believed her, not even Byakuya

-Aoi broke out in tears and left

-At the trial Aoi was super harsh

-Sakura was found out though

-No one could escape her grasp

-She choked at least Makoto before her execution

-Aoi and you were traumatized

-Makoto and/or Byakuya is dead


-The game was over when Monokuma broke in front of everyone

-They ran to see Kyoko had trapped and stabbed the mastermind

-Everyone was shocked that [person] was the mastermind

-Kyoko revealed her secret on how she did so

-Everyone escaped

[New ending:Deadmind Brokokuma]


-She and Toko were hanging out

-The weird plant suddenly became fatal so they stayed away from it

-Aoi went to grab a shovel when Toko did for her

-Then Syo came out

-Syo tried to bury Aoi and Aoi fough back

-She ended up knocking her out

-Then Aoi saw nlood rush out

-In a panic she buried Toko

-When it was found a day later she panicked hardcord

-Yasuhiro had smelled something weird and dug it up

-Kyoko saw his hands weee bloody but Toko had been dead for over a day

-Byakuya cried from the smell

-Makoto puked on Toko

-If this didn't happen Aoi would have been caught

-Kyoko still found out it was her

-Toko left a message [Moizono]

-Sayaka had been a blackened so someone with oi in their name was most likely the culprit

-Syo was though of for some reason

-Then Byakuya remembered he saw Toko and Aoi hanging out

-Aoi was dead from there

-You tried to defend her but knew it was her

-Poor Aoi


-Syo killed him because Yasukuya

-Or Byahiro

-Jealous Syo

-Sorry best gril

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