Maki Harukawa Oneshot:Yandere

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Trigger warnings-
Mentions of death

I decided to talk with Shuichi today, because Keade was busy with Rantaro. From what I remember she was going to the library with him to read about bugs. Gonta's birthday was soon anyway, so it makes sense.

"Hey Shuichi! I need help for Gonta's birthday present"

"Ah! Oh, I do too, c'mon lets just get bug plushies for him"

"Really? Maybe we could get a new net for him, or a book, Keade is getting one for him"

"That's unoriginal, I think a plushie does fine"

"Okkkk, where are Maki and Katio?"

"Oh they left to do the same thing, I think..." We left to a plushie store which was closed because it was winter. I got online while Shuichi released he forgot his phone. He excused himself to get it from his dorm. Then someone came from behind me.


"Eeep! Ah- Maki don't scare me like that!"

"Y-yea... Anyway Katio told me to ask you out, it was obvious I liked you"

"Oh, welllll, how about a date? I can text Shuichi about it an-"

"Shuichi? Why was he here"

"We were shopping for bug plushies for Gonta's birthday"

"Oh, ok"

"Anyway, after one date I'll decide whether I like you or not like that, ok?"

"Acceptable for now" I grabbed her hand and ran to the aquarium because I knew she was interested in fish recently. She held my hand back and smiled, which shocked me because I never have seen her smile before.

"Maki? Are you smiling?"

"No, do you want to die" I left her alone but she held my hand tighter, it made me anxious about something. I was going to ask about Katio but I couldn't speak.

"Cat got your tongue?"

"N-No, I'm just anxious about where Katio is"

"Oh, he left to find a store nearby, he'll be fine for now"

"Ok, lets just continue the date then"  We walked through the aquarium and left but she lead me to the park. No one was there but a small family making a snowman.

"Maki, why are we here?"

"To have a snowball fight"

"A snowball fight?"

"I need practice for target aim, your the only one around I can hit" She wanted to use me for target practice. We had a mini-war which the kids joined in.

"Hey kid!"


"What's your name?"

"I'm Ayalo Fujiwa!"


"Yea, and my twin is Chiaki" As I watched Chiaki and Maki, Chiaki seemed to be napping.

"Yeaz, she isn't much, c'mon big sis!"

"Ok, here is how you make a ball"  I showed her how to make a snowball and we fough Maki. We got tired out from Maki's defense. Soon I was too exhausted to run away from her and Ayalo disappeared.

"You up?"

"Yea, yea Maki can you carry me?"

"Alright" Maki lifted me up and carried me like a child, and I saw red-like snow near. One of the kids must have got a papercut. Maki started walking to the city area.

"And here is Katio, hey look at him" Maki turned around and I saw Katio's blood on the snow. I gagged from the smell.

"See, I guess I should explain this? Katio had a crush on you so I killed him, and that one kid saw me kill Chiaki. I couldn't have witnesses mo matter what"

"W-Why kill kids?!"

"I accidentally told the kid about Katio, so I had to cover up the scene, they were in the way of the snowball fight" Did she make one to just exhaust me, I wasn't even able to run from exhaustion and her grip. I just stayed silent and watched as she ranted about me.

"Plus, the way y-"

"H-Hey, can we leave, or I leave and you stay?"

"No, but we should leave, lets go" She then left with me in her arms to what seemded to be a house. I then realized it was my house.

"Ok, go home and say nothing except you had a fun date, ok? Also were dating now" Maki walked off and all I understood was home, I just walked in and napped.

[The reason the scene is in winter is because for me it would be winter for Gonta's birthday, I live in northen America so my winters can be cold as well


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