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[Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[Reader will be shy

[Contains spoilers for chp.1

[Has gambling in it for anyone concerned, but it isn't in a casino

[Celeste's POV]

I was walking and saw the stairs had been unlocked. I walked around and saw some new places but passed them as nothing exciting. I was headed to tell the others about the new floor when I tripped on a body. Thinking it was Sayaka just dumped on the floor I looked down to see no blood, but rather another girl.

I poked her until she woke up and she seemed just as shocked to see me as I was.

"Hello random person"

"Uh, who are you?"

"I could say the same"

"U-Uh, I'm [Y/N], I must have passed out"

"Passed out? Why would you not sleep?"

"I've been trying to see how to undo the bars, have you opened them?"

"Oh no dear, Monokuma did after Leon died"

"Leon? Wait-Dead!?"

"Yes, poor Leon killed poor Sayaka"

"So there are other people! But their murderers?"

"Have you not heard the announcements?"

I giggled a bit at how shy she was and wanted to keep her a secret, at least before I had to reveal the new floor. She just got a puzzled look.

"Well, yes and no, it is a hard thing to explain all the people here and their motive. But I can summarize the killing game"

"Please do, I've been running insane here, just all alone..."
I gave a summary of the game and learned that [Y/N] had no involvement in the plans at all. I wished to see the school files to see who was here or not.

"Well do you know anyone in our class"

"I don't think so, I lost my memory unfortunately, except for going to class"

"Ah, oh well, do you want to meet the others?"

I told her to stay there and went to tell others about the new floor, as I could introduce her when they explored a bit.

"Everyone I have news"

"You do?"

"Yes, A new floor has been unlocked"

"Great, lets explore in pairs and recollect to discuss what we discovered"
Almost everyone got with someone else and the pairs wers decided.

Kyoko and Makoto
Chihiro and Mondo
Sakura and Aoi
Toko and Hifumi
Yasuhiro and Kiyotaka

"Byakuya you can go with Celeste?"

"Sorry but you guys cannot work with me, as I already have someone else"

"So is Junko back alive or what, I just want this over"

"Noo, Byakuya you dummy Junko is not alive, I found someone upstairs"

"Why didn't you say that Celeste!"

I walked away seeing everyone follow me, when I got upstairs I saw [Y/N] waiting and waited on everyone to come. Byakuya walked past us.

"Everyone, this is [Y/N]"


Makoto offered his hand and she shaked his hand. As everyone was saying hi I was daydreaming about her and me at my place cuddling. I already knew I had to keep her around. [Y/N] was cute anyway.

"Uhh, Celeste to earth?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry dear, I got distracted, do you want to go down for tea?"

"I would love too!"
I grabbed her hand and we walked to the cafeteria. I made some milk tea and thought of ideas to chat about.

"Do you wish to talk about the students?"

"I gues it would be good to know them a bit more"

"We can start with who to avoid"


"So Byakuya isn't friendly, and not for you, he is the one in a suit. Ugh, avoid his stalker too"


"Well, stalker should be enough to avoid her"

"Anyone else?"

"That Kiyotaka is strict on rules, you'll find out who he is fast"


"Then Hifumi... he is a bit of a creep but nice to know of you can bear him, Makoto is so nice, please don't leave me for him"

"I would never, your my friend afterall!"
Her words shocked me, and I felt slightly heartbroken, is this being friendzoned. I hoped not, and tried to push it off my mind.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, no, is the tea enjoyable?"

"Yes, your good at making tea Celeste"

"Ok, good"
I took my last sip and put it away. Hoping to invite her to a gamble at least. I pulled my cards out and [Y/N] looked confused.

"Want to gamble dear"

"I can't play cards well"

"I can teach you how too"

"Ok, wait- shouldn't we be with the others"

"Noo, I'm sure there is another murderer up there to avoid, we have all the time to wait and explore as well"

"Ok then"
I passed out the cards and taught her the basics, starting with 10$. She placed 3$ on the table and grabbed a card. I copyed her and ended up winning. I could tell [Y/N] was running out of money. I placed a low bet and let her win one round, just so she wouldn't be poor.

"Hey, you guys are just gambling?"

"Byakuya... can you leave us alone"

"No, but I won't tell the others"

"Please don't, we're gonna explore later time"

"As she said"
Byakuya left us alone again and I still glared at where he stood.

"I think ima head to bed, night Celeste!"

"Night dear"

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