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[Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[Includes Komahina and slight smut

[Slight spoilers for Dr2 ending

[Non-despair AU]

[Nagito's POV]

I was chilling on youtube watching a new friday night funkin mod untill I saw that my girlfriend wasn't home. I knew she always stayed and walked to the bedroom to check.

"Hey you ok?"

"Yea yea, I'm busy"

"Doing what?"

"Nothing Nagito!"
I got suspicious and opened the door to see her reading something on her phone.

"What are you reading?"


"Me? I don't have any books"

"Oh, well... eh?"


"I'm just on wattpad"

"Ohhhh, fanfiction!"
I felt a small sense of relief while she turned her head and looked at me weird.

"What!? What do you mean fanfiction!"

"I read it too"

"Oh, wanna read with me?"

I sat down next to her and saw what was on screen.


Nagito sat on Hajime's lap, purring as he blushed from the sudden move.

"Waiting for me to push you ln the bed"


"You are horny aren't you haajiimee"

"Oh Komahina"

"Yea I like the smut coming up"


"I can skip it"

"Ok thanks"
I watched her skip the chapter but the rest of it was just smut.

[Y/N's POV]

I got off that book knowing I could read it later and just opened a oneshot book full of Komahina, making it clear I read it often.

"Why only this ship?"

"Why not"

"We're not even friends, plus he is still in general studies"

"People like Izuru and heard about Hajime, idk how he gets with you"

"I don't even like Izuru"

"Eh shut up"

I went on a random fluff and put my arm around Nagito, leaning him closer.


Hajime was stressed due to the exams and needed help. He texted Nagito and waited for him to come.


"Wanna read them Nagito?"



Jeez Hajime a simp lol

Olive agrees with the above comment

Rushing much hm?

I laughed a bit at the replys and Nagito looked at the first username in shame.

"I am not bald?"

"Oof, poor Gito"

"I hate that nickname"

"Sure sure"

When Nagito arrived Hajime tried studying again, but knew Nagito was stubborn.

"H-Hey Nagito"

"Hello bae"
Hajime blushed and started to put away the books


"Omg bae"

"Jeez Hajime never studddered"

"Not like they know"

"So... eh this is weird as heck"

"Not to me"

"You kinda suck"

"No u"

I skipped to the end of the chapter and smiled while Nagito blushed.

Nagito held Hajime in his arms, and both melted into the bed below them.

"T-Thanks Gito"

"Your welcome"


"A suited nickname"

"You know I hate it"


"Give me the phone"
I handed my phone to him and watched as he tried a oneshot he liked.

"No luck?"

"We should read my fanfiction"

"Alright, how bad can it be"
He got up and threw my phone back at me, and came back shortly with his phone.

"Now I have some [Y/N]XByakuya fanfiction..."

"What in the?"

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