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[Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[Enjoy free memes now idiots

[Y/N's POV]

I opened up reddit and put headphones listening to new meme videos, and Byakuya walked in on me seeing me, then he paused my video.


"I'm bored, and you will entertain me"

"Ughhh, I'm walked memes!"


"Well wanna see some memes?"

"Are they bad or weird"

"Umm, no I guess"

"Well let me see"
He then pushed me out my chair and saw the meme on screen:

"Well let me see"He then pushed me out my chair and saw the meme on screen:

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He stared in what seemed to be shock, before turning to me.

"What the f*ck"

"Awe, is Leggami shocked!"

"Do not use that nickname"

"Ok, ok, lets not see that meme"
I refreshed the page and a new meme came up:

I chuckled a bit and Byakuya looked in less confusion, but seemed to understand a bit more

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I chuckled a bit and Byakuya looked in less confusion, but seemed to understand a bit more.

"You like memes?"

"They are odd, but definitely not... I can't describe how... I'm not sure what to say"

"Hmm, interesting choice of words"

"Can we not be specific today"

"Sure sure, leggami"
He just scowled and scrolled down passing a few memes before stopping on one:

"Sure sure, leggami"He just scowled and scrolled down passing a few memes before stopping on one:

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