Mokawa Headcanons

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-Katio knows astronomy to a degree

-Maki will kill for him

-Maki is a slight tsun and yan

-Katio makes dad and uncle jokes

-Katio has at least one sibling, he just hates them

-Maki see Katio like a brother, in few ways[no alabama]

-Shuichi is their third wheel and dating help center

-Maki hates date but Katio loves them

-They go out late at night to train or look at the stars

-Maki loved astronomy as a kid and is starting to like it again

-Katio dislikes her boss

-Maki can't bake or cook

-Maki also has nightmares often

-Katio hates horror anything

-Maki loves games like fnaf and ln
[Fight nights at freddys + Little nightmares]

-Maki tried to have a gaming channel but failed

-Katio is heading to space for around 10 years after he turns 19

-Maki has abandonment issues

-Katio loves cuddling

-Maki knows lot about greek gods

-Korekiyo will join to tell them about history of the stars

-Katio is the most jealous one in the relationship

-Maki hates dairy for some reason

-Katio has never touched a energy drink

-Maki drinka tea and coffee, depends in the time and weather

-Katio hates tea, too much leaves

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