10k Special

744 6 4

The winner was _M_nst_r_ and they requested a Teruteru and Kazuichi. I'll do my best \_(•-•)_/

Non-Despair AU but on the island

[Y/N's POV]

I walked down the brigde to Titty Typhoon and said hi to Ibuki on the way. I knew she used it before me every day. When I got there I saw Kazuichi leaning against the door.

"Hey Kazuichi"

"H-Hey [Y/N], what are you doing?"

"I'm here to play my instrument, why are you here?"

"Ibuki locked the door but called me to fix a speaker for later"

"Oh it can't lock"
I opened the door with a strong push and saw it sticky stuff holding the doors together. I let him head to the speaker while I grabbed [instrument] and practiced.

"Your skills are good"

"Thanks Kazuichi, I've been using this for years"

"No one could match that talent then, hehe"
He started to just watch as I played some basic songs to impress him. His stomach growled after a bit.

"Are you hungry?"

"No! You can keep playing"

"No no, lets get lunch"

"Ughhh, ok..."
I put my instrument back and left to the diner nearby. At the diner I saw Hajime and Teruteru talking about something. I opened the door and thought about what we could eat. Kazuichi eyed Teruteru for some reason.

"Lets head to the store-"

"Oh sorry Hajime, but someone arrived and seems hungry"

"Oh thanks Teruteru but me and Kazuichi are getting some lunch"

"You know store lunch will do"

"Teruteru is a chef though"

"Uhm, I'm gonna leave, thanks Teruteru?"
Hajime then left and the environment got tense.

"No store lunch, let me make some of the best girlled cheese sandwiches"

I dragged Kazuichi to a seat and Teruteru went in the back, surprisingly not flirting with me once.

"I get bad vibes from him"

"Kazuichi your overreacting, we're just friends"

"Wait your friends!"

Kazuichi looked jealous for a hit before changing just leaving the diner. I got out my map and read everything before getting bored. I walked into the back to see Teruteru.

"Hey Teruteru"

"Hello again, why are you back here?"

"Kazuichi just walked out on me"

"[Gasp], that b*tch, he can be so rude sometimes"

"You've seen him like this before?"

"Not quite but he is always jealous of me, I don't even like you"

"Awe, maybe he likes me but your my friend"

"Right, can't anyone be friends?"

"I will talk to him later about it"
Me and Teruteru had a chat about more random recipes while I snacked on my grilled cheese. I couldn't think that my crush liked me back. What was worst was I like Teruteru also. Well one of them friendzoned me.

"Sorry but I have to leave"

"Oh, ok"
I got up and walked out on Teruteru, confused on what to do. On the way I bumped into Gundham.

"Hi Gundham"

"Hello mortal, your presence is disturbing my four dark devas of destruction. How may I fix said aura"

"I'm just confused because of my two crushes"

"And who are these crushes?"

"A friend and someone jealous of my friend"

"I see, why not confess to one of your choosing?"

"Oh ok, thanks"

"Of course mortal, glad to see that frown dissapear"
He walked off with a chuckle and I wanted to find Kazuichi, I could sum up alot than confessing to Teruteru. I went on a small search of him.


I found Kazuichi but heard him in a agrument with someone, and looked to see him fighting with Teruteru.

"So what if I like them, I don't do anything more then cook"

"But I wanna date them and you're in the way, as their 'frIeNd', sureee"

"Hey why are you fighting?"

Both of them fliched a bit and looked shocked.

"He came up and accused me of using you!"
Teruteru ran to me and pointed his spatula at Kazuichi.

"Ok ok! Why are you fighting Teruteru?"

"U-Uh, cause I like you"
His words flew over my head for a moment but then it hit me.

"Well, I like you too, and Teruteru is my friend, not a rival"
I looked to Teruteru for help and he just gave me a thumbs up.

"Ohhh ok then, uh, sorry Teruteru"

"I forgive you, but you must never ever cheat on them ok?"

"Easy peasy"
Teruteru walked off and me and Kazuichi slowly walked closer. Then we kissed.

[Making out cause idk how to write that scene]

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