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[Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[Y/N's POV]
I woke up to see it was snowing and checked the calendar, already knowing it was the day after Christmas. Why not want Christmas itself. Well the best shows aired the day after because kids are opening presents. I threw the blanket back on Izuru and creeped to the living room. I turned on the T.V. and saw all the specials on. I clicked on Gumball and knew Izuru would wake up soon.

[After a show]

A ad played and I rushed to make some toast for breakfast, when I turned around I saw Izuru watching the T.V., which confused me because he doesn't like child-ish things.

"Morning Babe?"

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"Because you were asleep"

"I wasn't, I can make pancakes if you want"

"No thanks"
I sat next to him and ate my toast in silence. Just watching whatever was on. Then Izuru checked his phone and switched to the boat channel. It was showing a race of sorts.

"A boat race"

"Glory Seas will win"

"Probably will if you say so, but I'll go for Hermit Nation"
He went silent again but was hyperfocused on the race. I even waved my hand in front of him but no reaction. Izuru always shocked me once a week. He must like boats or something. After a hour long race Glory Seas did win.

"Did you like that?"

"I knew Glory Seas would win, I wish that wasn't so easy"

"I can buy a boat for the future"

"Hmm, that would be... fine"

"So yes?"

"Yes, it's a yes"
I saved in my phone to save up for a boat and grabbed the remote before we watched more boats. I put on Spongebob. One of his favorite shows from what I knew. There was no Christmas specials unfortunately. I ending up getting sleepy again and made some coffee to wake up.

But I mixed cocoa power in instead and made caffine filled hot chocolate. It tasted disgusting. Almost like mixng butter and frosting. Izuru was stilled glued to the T.V. and I wanted to sneak to our room for a nap. Arms then wrapped around me and brought me to the couch again. Damn Izuru.

We binge watched spongebob for 3 hours before I felt sleepy again. I just napped on Izuru's chest.

[Izuru's POV]

I could tell that she was sleepy and didn't want her to fall. She fell asleep on me and I turned the volume down to not disturb her. Playing with her hair, I felt content for once in a while. I was glad I got to sleep in but I knew [Y/N] had problems with it. I noticed that she was moving alot and decided to get her to bed.

I could say quiet forever so I put her to bed and threw a blanket on. I felt a urge to kiss her forehead. I resisted it knowing it could wake her and continued to watch spongebob. I checked the table for any mess and saw [Y/N]'s phone. On it showed a goal to buy a boat.

I had a job behind her back so I out money into [Y/N]'s bank account to make it seem like she did it all by herself. Today made me feel happy inside. I can't quite placed what part of it was enjoyable, maybe the show or boat race. I dozed off on the couch wanting to preserve the feeling. Or was it love? Why should I worry.

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