Part 1 - First Day

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Hey guys.  So this is my first time ever posting something I have written like this.  It will probably suck but I am going to write it anyway.  So just yeah thanks for reading this if you are.

Walking into school was hectic.  Like, it normally is pretty busy after summer, all the "little people" running around trying to find their classes and friends but even the older kids were more excited than usual, the girls in particular.  "What the hell is going on?"  I ask Tom, my boyfriend.  He shrugs.  "No idea.  Girls go crazy over everything, don't they?"  He tells me as he looks around at all the girls crowding around the courtyard.  "It's fucking hectic."  I tell him and he chuckles and nods.  "Yeah, it is."  He checks his phone and drops my hand.  "Look I need to go and check with the new coach about training.  I'll see you at lunch."  He smiles and gives me a long kiss before breaking away and going to what I assume is the gym.  

I wander around the girls until I hear my name being squealed from across the courtyard.  "Summer!"  It is Sasha.  "Oh my god!  Sash!"  I shout running to her.  She giggles and runs to me.  We hug and it is a total love scene it is great.  "I've missed you so much!"  I shout to her.  She had abandoned me for the whole summer to go away to America to see her cousin.  "I missed you too!  Spencer so should have let you come with me.  It was amazing!"  She smiles at me.  "I know, he is such a dick!"  I say, thinking to my brother.  We live together because our parents died in a car crash like four years ago.  He is a bit older than me so he completely baby's me.  But I love him anyway.

"So why are all the girls on heat?"  I laugh to her.  "Erm, I think it's because we are getting two new teachers this year, and they are apparently guys, and very hot."  Sasha winks at me.  "How do you know this?  You only got back like yesterday."  I chuckle.  "I know a lot babe."  She chuckles.  We link our arms and make our way to our first class which is Maths.  "So are you buzzing for this year to happen?"  She giggles.  "Oh, you know it!  I live for school!" I say sarcastically and she just laughs.  "At least it is our last year."  She smiles.  "I know. Thank god!  It has been a long time coming."  "A very long time!"  She laughs.  

We walk into our class and sit near the middle of the class next to each other.  We just talk until some guy comes in in black skinny jeans and a buttoned up flannel.  He looks hot, he must be a new student or something.  "Hey."  I say to him.  He turns and smiles at me.  "Hi girls."  He says while still looking like he is in a rush.  "Are you new?"  Sasha asks.  "You could say that."  He chuckles.  Why was that funny?  "Are you alright?"  I ask, he is still fussing with his bag and looking pretty nervous.  "Yeah.  I am fine.  Just a bit anxious."  "Why?"  "First class jitters, you know."  "You will be fine.  The students here are mostly really nice."  Sasha smiles at him.  "Except for Megan."  I say under my breath but he hears me.  "What?"  He asks.  "Just saying that there is this really big bitch called Megan and she is a total-"  "That's enough!"  Sasha shouts, chuckling as she interrupts me.  I stop and smile innocently.  The bell goes.  We get our stuff out and wait for the teacher.

The new guy goes up to the teacher's desk and puts his bag down in the desk.  "Erm, what are you doing?"  I ask.  "Getting ready for class."  He says.  "But that's the... Oh!"  Sasha says as we both realise he is the teacher.  He laughs at us as he has obviously clicked that we thought he was a student.  "That was awkward."  Sasha says under her breath in a sing-songy voice.  I just giggle and nod.  

The class fills in and Sasha and I have gotten over our little awkward moment.  "Hey guys."  He smiles from the front of the class.  "I am Mr Hemmings and I will be your new maths teacher for the year."  He informs us.  "Mr Hemmings?"  Megan says from the front of the class, in a completely inappropriate outfit for school.  "Yes?"  He smiles at her.  "I was just wondering if this was your first time teaching?"  She giggles, and the noise is so annoying I want to punch her.  "No, it isn't."  He says answering bluntly and I smile at him.  

Mr Hood (Calum Hood AU)Where stories live. Discover now