Part Thirty-Four - I need Joy

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Days have gone by since I gave the police the information about who helped to take her. Days. And she still isn't back. Spencer and I have been going out of our minds. How long can it take for them to find her? That idiot of a boy must have some information. I know the police took him in but I don't know what he has said or how much he told them. All I can hope is that it was enough. I just want them to find her.

Today Spencer told me that I need to take a break. He said that I can't just sit around waiting for her to come back. He says that I need to still live my life as normal. So I am taking his advice and hanging out with the boys, or at least, I am trying to.

I get showered and dressed before I walk down the stairs. All three of the boys are sitting around on the couches. As I walk into the room they all stop talking and they just look over at me. "Hey Cal." Mikey says. "Hey guys." I smile at them, it is a small smile but the most they have seen. "Are you going out again?" Ashton asks me. "No. I erm, I actually thought maybe we could hang out today?" I ask nervously. I don't know why I am nervous, these boys are my best friends and housemates. Their eyes all widen, as if I just told them that I was pregnant. "Sure." Ashton beams at me. He looks so happy. I never realised how much my mood affected them.

I sat down with them and they seemed really quiet. I don't know why this felt so weird. Summer was still racing through my thoughts, as much as I didn't want to dwell on her I couldn't stop it. "So how have you been?" Luke asks me, strangely. Why the hell is this so awkward? "Erm, alright I guess." I shrug. "You guys?" I ask, actually trying since I haven't really spoken to them since Summer went missing. Stop thinking about her.

They all look around and shrug. "Good." They all say in sync. "Just working really." Michael shrugs. "Visited my family the other day." Ashton tells me and I smile. "How are they?" I ask, being polite, actually wanting to know how they are. "They are good. Harry is really worried though." Ashton tells me and I can see Luke motioning with his hands for some reason. "Why is he worried?" I asked, not really thinking about it. "His friend, Summer. You know how she's missing." He tells me and my eyes widen. I had completely forgotten that her friends would be scared for her. MY heart aches when I think of how much people know and yet they don't. And of course, she comes flooding back into my mind.

Minutes pass as I sit there silently in my own thoughts. I am only brought back to reality, by Luke clicking his fingers in front of my face. "Bro? You alright?" Michael asks me. I clear my throat and just come back into reality. "I'm sorry." I tell them looking down as I try to clear my head. They all just look about as I lift my gaze. They all look worried.

After a while Michael turns to me. "Cal?" He asks tentatively. "Yeah?" I reply, not bothered by anything. "Why has this hit you so hard?" He asked me nervously. The other boys' eyes were wide, as if they couldn't believe he just asked me that. "What?" I ask, feeling the wind knocked out of me. "The girl? Summer. Why has it hit you this hard?" He asks again and I just look at him. How could he even ask that? Ashton then breaks in. "I think, what Mike means, is that, we know that this is horrible and that you knew the girl quite well because of school. But Luke is her teacher too, her tutor and he doesn't seen this upset by it. I mean, obviously he is upset, even I'm upset because I have talked to her and it is hurting Harry. But you're more upset than that, you are properly distressed by it. You aren't yourself. You are closed off and swear I heard you cry when we found out."

After he is finished speaking I just well up, I don't even know why. I think it was because I don't know how to answer it. I don't know why I am so upset, I just am. I feel responsible and I am worried out my mind because of it. "I-I-I don't know really." I breathe out, trying not to let any tears fall. "Was there anything going on Cal?" Luke asks me softly. I look over at him as he sits next to me. "I don't know." I tell them, I don't know. All I know is that we kissed, we made out. I hated to see her with anyone else and I didn't want anyone after I met her. "How can you not know? Either there was or there wasn't?" Michael asks. I let out a breath as I take in his question. "I just- I don't know. We grew close. I mean, after everything, we kind of had to." I tell them.

I know that some tears have fallen and so I wipe them away. "She was the girl you saved?" Michael asks. I nod, not able to say anything. "And it's them that have taken her?" Ashton asks. "Yeah. I mean, I guess so." I say, not strong enough to hide anything. I don't even want to hide anything from them. "I mean, I have grown close to Spencer too. She is all he has left. Their whole family is gone. I don't even know what I would do if this happened to Mali and I still have my parents left, and you guys. I don't think he has anyone. He is always so busy working. How is he so much stronger than me? Why am I so weak?" I say, tears falling free from my eyes.

Michael comes over to hug me. He has always been my best friend, after everything, he is always there for me. "I'm sorry Cal. I just needed to understand." He tells me softly. I nod, understanding as I wrap my arms tightly around him.

After hugging for ages I get up suddenly. "I need to do something." I announce. "You aren't going away again, are you?" Ashton asks worried. "No. I just, I need to call my parents." I tell them as I walk back to my room, ready to tell them the truth.

I phone up the old number I have memorised since I was 6 years old. My mum made me remember it because she was always so worried that I would get lost and that somebody might steal me. Especially because I was the cutest thing ever. I smile slightly at the memory.

"Hello?" I hear my mum's voice ring through the phone. "Hey mum." I say with a smile. It has been so long since I actually spoke to my mum. "Hey Cal." Her voice brightens up. "How is autumn in the US? Cold?" She chuckles. I laugh with her. "Actually, I don't know. I'm back home." I tell her, finally admitting the truth after months of avoiding her. "What? What home? You're not here are you?" She asks and I can hear her running through the house in the background. "David!" She shouts my dad. "Yeah?" I can hear him shouting back. "Calum says he's in Sydney!" She tells him. "Where!?" He shouts. "I don't know." She mutters. "Calum Thomas Hood. Where on earth are you?" She asks me sternly down the phone. "I'm at my house. The house that the guys and I bought 6 months ago when Luke and I got back from America." I admit. "What!?" She shouts.

This is when the conversation goes downhill and I get shouted at. "You have been back in Australia for six months and you didn't think to tell us!?" Mum shouts at me. I pull the phone away from m ear as I hear her words ringing through the phone. "I am so sorry mum. I just- I wanted some time. To get things sorted." I tell her. "Well are they 'sorted' now?" She asks sarcastically. "No. Things are so messed up mum." I tell her. My voice breaks a little as I gather up the courage I need to explain this all to her.

"Oh my darling. What is it? What's happened?" She asks me. The confusion and upset clear in her voice. "Mum I messed up. I got this job and then I met this girl and now it's all turned to shit." And that was the beginning of the weirdest, most upsetting, confusing conversation I have ever had with my parents. I explained everything. Summer and me. Summer going missing. Summer's dad going to sign us. Pretty sure that I have some pretty strong feelings for her. And of course once all that was sorted I got into trouble for not telling them I was back. But I made it better by telling her that Liz still didn't know Luke was back.

When the conversation ended I felt a lot better about my family but Summer was there. She was always there. I still need something from her, anything. So I know that she is alive. I just want her back. I don't think I can continue on in normal life without knowing what is happening. I know I can't. I just I need her back. Anything could be happening to her. I can only hope the police sort their shit out and go and get her. Before I go myself.  

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