Part 23 - What about the others?

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I have wifi.  Praise the Lord!

Here you go.  Sorry if it is a little short.  But it's an update. 

I was still so confused about the fact my dad was going to sign Calum and his band. I still couldn't believe that he was in a band to begin with. He sure did look like a music geek in these videos but now, he looks like a proper athlete. He looks really good now. They all do, well Ashton looked really cute back then. Harry looks just like him except a little bit blonder and his face is different, but pretty much the same. He has the cute short curly hair that is styled to perfection. But damn, they were in a band. Now what do they do? Are any of them in music? Two of them are teachers – my teachers – but I have no idea about Ashton and Michael.

I looked at Calum after I forced him to watch some of his old videos, he cringed at most of them and I laughed at how high his voice used to be and his lisp that comes up a lot as he sings but you hardly notice when he talks nowadays. "Hey Calum?" He looks at me as if he is in pain from the voices coming from the screen. "Yeah Summer?" He replies.

"What do the other guys do now, if they aren't teachers and aren't in a band?" I asked him curiously. "Well Mike owns a video arcade and gaming shop. Ash, he actually stayed in music, he owns a music shop and does classes sometimes to teach other people." "Really? What does he play, other than drums?" I ask, all I had seen was him playing drums or the box drum. "Well he plays the drums, guitar, piano, violin and the sax."

"Why doesn't he sing in any of the videos? Is he horrible?" I ask with a grin. "He actually has a good voice, but he has anxiety and he is really nervous about his voice so he just doesn't sing as much. He sings as he walks around the house or when he is in the shower. Just not in front of strangers." He tells me and I nod. "I like your voice, it is like raspy." I smile as I look at the screen to see younger Calum. What I really wanted to say was that it sounded like sex, but I can't really say that. "Thanks. Luke is the main man though." He shrugs with a slight chuckle. "Nah, I like yours better. I mean, you all have talent and Luke's voice is amazing, but I like yours better." I tell him honestly. I don't even know why I like his voice, I especially don't know why I am telling him this but I just am.

I look around after turning off the screen. I look at him to find him already looking at me. I blush and I can see his cheeks tinge because he just got caught. He doesn't look away though, just more deeply into my eyes that are attached to his. I don't even know how it happened but we end up kissing. I end up standing and so does he. I lean back on the table and his hands are wrapped around my waist, while mine are tangled in his extremely soft hair.

After a while we just break away and I giggle at his messed up hair and flushed cheeks. He smiles down at me and pecks my lips once more. His hands are still around my waist but I don't even attempt to move, and nor does he. "Hi." "Hey." He grins back. I start to laugh because I just kissed my teacher... again. "You are rather awkward aren't you?" He chuckles softly. "Some may say." I smile with a shrug. He laughs again at my awkwardness, but it is a nice laugh, not a mocking one. His eyes crinkle up and I really enjoy it, he looks cute and childlike.

He looks at me again before removing his hands from around my waist. He scratches the back of my neck. "We kiss too much, don't we?" He asks guiltily. My heart stops and my smile drops for a moment. "Not that it is bad!" He shouts a little, obviously having noticed my reaction. "I just mean, you are my student and I am your teacher." He says. "We aren't anything." He adds. That doesn't really help my mood at all. I just feel rejected in this moment. I just stay silent, no longer in the mood to talk to him or to have fun.

I side step away from him and walk away so I can just have my own space. "Summer." He says, his voice full of regret. "Don't do this. Don't be like this." He tells me. "Don't be like what?" I ask quietly. "Like this, all quiet and annoyed at me." He motions to how I am stood. I have my arms crossed and my head down with my back a little hunched. "I amn't annoyed." "It sure seems like you are." "I am just confused. You confuse me Calum." I say truthfully. He really is the most confusing person ever. He makes out that he likes me but then he ruins everything. He seems like he cares for me but then drops me like that. I don't even know what he is thinking.

"How so?" He asks intrigued. "I just can't understand you. I don't know what you want." "Well what do you want me to want?" He asks taking a step closer to me. "I don't know." I say in an almost whisper. He stays quiet for a while, as if he is thinking. "Do you want me to want you?" He asks. Then he looks at me and pulls my head up so our eyes meet. "Because I do. As wrong as it may seem. I want you. I don't know what it is about you, you just intrigue me and confuse me. And you take up my thoughts. I care about you so much and I want you too. I want you to want me. But I know you probably don't." He says to me and I grin like a banshee. "You want me?" I ask excited and happy. "I really do." He tells me quietly, as if it is a secret and we are surrounded by a hundred other people when it is only us in the house. I just smile at him and all his cuteness.

He smiles then his smile falters. "Do you want me? Or do you want to feel wanted?" He asks me seriously and sadly. "I want you. And this is really weird because you are not at all my type. I like hot blonde guys that are outlandishly tall and they are shy but really loud and giggly. But you, you are dark. You are mysterious. You are hot, but you are cocky. And for some reason, I like that. I like that you know who you are and that you play on it. I like that you do what you want. And I really like your lips. They are so soft. Are your cheeks, man, they are so squishy. I just want to squeeze them." I tell him, rambling off all my weird thoughts and I couldn't stop. I told him the truth and now he probably thinks I am a freak. "Well I am slightly concerned that you just described Luke. But I like the fact you enjoy my lips so much." He smirks. I just grin at him. "You are so cocky." I tell him with a slight chuckle and shake of my head. "But you love it." He smirks once more. "For some odd reason, I really do." I laugh.

He laughs with me before grabbing my face and kissing me once more. I am taken by surprise, but it is an awesome surprise. I really do like his lips, they are so plump and soft. And man does he know what he is doing. He is just such a beautiful person with an excellent face. "You are running through my mind and I don't want you to stop." He whispers once he pulls away. "Then I guess I will have to keep working out." I say and he just laughs. "Way to ruin a moment." He shakes his head at me. "Well maybe you can teach me. I mean, it is your job." I chuckle. "I suppose it is my duty then. I will teach you how to create a moment, and stick with it." He grins. "As long as you don't teach Megan as well. Or else we'll have a problem." I tell him honestly, but playfully. "Don't worry. You are my only student in this subject." He says before pulling me in for another kiss.

"Good." I say once we break away. I peck his lips again and we walk back up the stairs to watch TV and chill out. We may not be in any form of relationship, but I am content with just kissing him whenever I want to. Besides, I can't exactly have my teacher as my boyfriend. It would be illegal and if anyone found out it would land us both in serious trouble. But maybe, people don't need to find out?

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