Part Forty-Six - A Little Convincing

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Summer and I spend a lot of time together. I of course talk to my parents and Mali a lot as well. They pester me all the time about her, they let me cry things out and get my anger out when it seems to take over me. I've been struggling with that quite a bit ever since this all started with the trouble with Elijah and those dick's. Every time I think about it or I see the scars on Summer the rage just takes over me. Those people did that to her, they took her and tried to break her down, but she fought for herself. Even in the end. She is so impressive, she will also be amazing to me.


Whenever I dropped into the house to get changed or to grab some food, Harry was there with Ashton. Today was no exception. I had already been to see Summer for a while but she had to get all washed and fed, so I took advantage of that to go and do the same to myself. Harry immediately attacked me with questions about Summer, like he does every time. Ever since the school made the announcement that they would be taking an extended break because of the circumstances of what has happened to the students.

"Give me 10 minutes Harry. I need to shower." I shouted back to him before rushing up the stairs and quickly washing myself up and changing before getting back down to guys. I pulled a black tee over my head as I walked into the room. "Hey." I smiled at them as I sat down. "You want me to make you some food?" Ash asked me as he stood up. "Yeah man. Anything will do. Even your cooking is better than hospital food." I joked and he pulled the finger at me before walking into the kitchen.

Harry looked at me expectantly as I turned to him. "She is doing well Harry." I told him. He nodded at me. "Will she be getting out soon?" He asked me. "I think the doctors were saying she should be ready in the next week but that is down to her mental state rather than anything else." I explained. "She still blames herself for this whole thing." I added on, knowing he was going to ask why they were worried for her mental state. "That is so stupid. She did nothing wrong." He says aggravated at this. I understood, it annoyed me too, but I let it go because I didn't like to keep bringing it up. "Somebody needs to tell her that." He told me. "I have tried mate, but she doesn't believe me." I shrug, there isn't much else I can do to try and convince her. "Well what about her brother? Or even Luke?" He asked. "We've all tried. She just doesn't get what we are trying to say." I tell him, we really do try to get her to understand that nothing about what happened was her fault but she is really messed up over it, understandably. It sucks.

He grumbled to himself for a while. "What about you?" I asked, thinking out loud. I was trying to get him to go and see her, but I know he is terrified because he doesn't want to go through the heartbreak of one of his few friends not knowing who he was or remembering him. "What?" He breathed out. "Why don't you tell her? She might listen to you. Because you don't really have a biased opinion, you might be able to get through to her." I stated. "She doesn't even know who I am." He said, hurt obvious in his face and tone. "She didn't remember me at first. But she does now. A lot of her memories are coming back." I told him and it was the truth, she had remembered a lot of the things that had happened. The good seemed to balance out the bad with the memories but she likes it, she likes to remember.

It took a lot of convincing from both me and Ash, once he finally brought me my food. Harry was so reluctant, and that was understandable but it had to be done. Even if she didn't remember him at first then she would eventually. Harry eventually agreed to come with me to visit Summer. His one request was that Ashton came along too. That slightly annoyed me, just because I know that he had liked Summer and that she had liked him too, not a lot, but enough to make me jealous.

We were walking into her room and I was behind the guys. She smiled up at us all, recognition in her eyes but also confusion, the standard for newer people. "Hey!" She grinned. "Hi Summer." Ashton had said to her, making my jealousy kind of take over me at the fact he was so nice. Summer smiled but stared at Harry. I could tell there was something clicking in her mind but nobody else seemed to. She closed her eyes and ran her hands through her hair, as if there was something wrong. At this I went over to her and grabbed her hand. "Summer? You okay?" I had asked being my own worried self when it came to her. "Yeah, just give me a second." She told me, her eyes still closed.

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