Part 68 (part two) - Fine by me

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I gave Calum time to explore the house in silence as I walked out to the forest of trees behind the house. Sitting down amongst the flowers and trees I began to think about the real beauty of this place.

As strange as it sounds I actually found myself in this place. It would sound utterly mental to anyone else because my memories from this place had effectively been wiped the moment after they had happened. As they all returned to me though, in the hospital, they brought a sense of bother fear and realisation to me. I didn't have to fake being happy here, I didn't need to pretend to be something that I wasn't just because of others around me. I was allowed to do and be whoever I wanted.

I found beauty in not doing anything. I read a lot, drew my surroundings and I drew Elijah a lot. I rediscovered my love for art out here. I played the piano and I sang along to music. There were strange conversations I took part in with the people that worked here and I spoke to Elijah, deep conversations about life and upbringing. In the process of getting to know him I lost all of my fears I had previously.

Elijah kept me captive but he was still my saviour of sorts. I was sent back in time to a place without social media and needing to update everyone on every single stupid little thing I had done. There were no meaningless statuses about the food I was eating, or going out drinking, or stupid videos of anybody to drag me out of the reality that was the world around me. I appreciated everything that happened out here and in my time with Elijah. I learned about the harshness of people and the way that unfortunate decisions made people view you.

As much as everything out here meant a great deal to me, I would give it up if Calum was uncomfortable with it. I knew he would be, ultimately. I would be slightly concerned if he was completely alright with it. But I had hoped he would be able to appreciate the magnificence of this place.

I have no idea how long I had been sitting out in the forest when I heard gentle footsteps approaching. I stood up and turned to find Calum walking slowly towards me. I gave him a timid smile as he got closer. "Hey Cal." I smile at him and he finally looks up, returning my smile. He gives my cheek a small kiss as he wraps his arm around my waist.

Leading me back towards the house his mind must still be reeling. "This place really is beautiful." Were his first words. I nodded back in reply, knowing he wasn't quite finished. "Perfect place for a wedding." He then added on to the end as we stood in the garden. My eyes widened and I turned to him with my mouth open. "Really?" I question quietly, Calum smiling back at me. "If this is what you want then I will happily share in that with you." He offers and I can feel the tears well in my eyes. I nod and wrap my arms around his neck. "I do." I answer, trying to hold back the tears threatening to fall.

He laughs as he hugs he back just as tightly as I was holding him. "I love you. And this place, even with all that has happened, still has an air of beauty and greatness in it. The entire building is special to you and because of that, it is special to me too. I would be happy to live here with you, if that was what you wanted." My jaw dropped again at his words. "I love you too! So much that it definitely is not healthy." I giggle and he chuckles back at me.

"So what do you say? Have we found our wedding location?" He asks me and I grin back at him. I kiss him passionately and smile into the kiss. "Yes. We have!" I answer as soon as we pull back. He chuckles and grabs my hand.

We walk around the garden and talk about how our wedding will be. "So, we can stand under this archway thing over here and just have the bench removed, by the fountain. We can have the guests' chairs set out and they can match the wood of the temporary pathway we will need to put in. And then we will save money on the flowers and everything because it is beautiful enough. Then there will be a chef that still works here and gosh, he is the greatest. He can prepare the meal and we can hire in people to tend the bar." I ramble out as I bounce around the garden and end up back in front of the love of my life. Calum just nods along with a grin on his face as I speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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