Part Thirty - She's Gone

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Monday was here and I hadn't seen Summer really since the kiss. I had spoken to her a little but we hadn't talked about it. When she showed up for class I was going to talk to her about it. I didn't know what I was going to say but I felt the words would come to me when she was there.

I had her class second and I knew she was with Luke first period. At least I could get it over with quickly. It was playing through my mind all of first period and I kept just smiling to myself, which was pretty weird so I tried to stop it. As the bell rang I waited for Summer to show up. But as the rest of the class arrived she still wasn't there.

I set the rest of the girls to work and called Sasha over. "Hey Mr Hood." She smiled at me. "Where is Summer?" I asked her. Very straight forward, but I was worried. "I erm, she is ill." She said to me, obviously lying. "You are a horrible liar Sasha." I told her. "So where is she? Was she in your last class?" I asked her once more. "No. I erm, saw her this morning. She got a note and then she left." She tells me, instantly the worries overtook my mind.

"A note? From who? Where did she go?" I asked her, not really caring about anything other than Summer at that moment. Sasha looked a little scared. "I don't know. She didn't tell me." She said and I knew it was the truth. "When was this?" "Just before the bell." "Did she say she would be back?" Sasha nodded her head. "Shit." I swore under my breath.

"Right, I trust you to look after the class. I need to make a call." I told her and she nodded. "Did I do something wrong? She isn't going to get in trouble is she?" She asked me and I shook my head. "Not at all. She'll be fine." I told her with a fake smile. "I hope." I said as she turned back to the class and I made my way to the exit.

I ran to my bag and grabbed my phone from it. Instantly I called Summer but I got no answer. It just kept ringing. "Fuck!" I shouted and then I called the next person I could. I got an answer. "Hello?" "Spencer. We have a problem." I told him straight away. "What happened?" He asked me. "Apparently she got a note and left the school. She told Sasha she would be back. I tried calling her 5 times but it just rang out. She would answer my calls." I said giving him everything I knew. It wasn't a lot. "Okay. I'll try to call her, if she doesn't answer I am phoning the police." He told me. "Okay. What do you want me to do?" I asked him. "Tell the head teacher you need to leave. And go to the house. Check if she is there." "Okay." "I'll phone you once I've tried her." And then the line went off.

I grabbed my stuff and went to the head teachers room. "What can I do for you Mr Hood?" He asked as I walked into the room. "Something has come up and I need to leave." I tell him, not wanting to tell him the details. "And what might be so important that you have to leave?" "My girlfriend is missing." I tell him. "I am terribly sorry. Of course you can take this time off." He tells me. "Thank you sir." "I hope you find her, son." "Is hope so too." I nodded as I raced out to my car.

When I got in the car I phoned Luke. He answered since he had a free period. "Hey man, what's up?" He says in his usual cheery voice. "Something has come up and I needed to leave. I can't give you a ride home." "It's okay. I'll call Mike. What's happened?" He asks me, any happiness leaving his voice. "Look, I can't talk right now. I'm sorry. I'll call you later." I told him before hanging up. I couldn't waste any time talking. I just needed to find her.

Maybe this was all a false alarm. Maybe she just went home. Maybe she was just sick and left without telling anyone. But as my phone rang and Spencer's name flashed across my screen, I knew it wasn't alright. "Spence?" I answered. "Summer's not answering. I've called the cops. They've sent a patrol car to the house. They should get there after you though. I think they want to bring you in." He told me. "But I need to look for her." I told him. I didn't want to sit around doing nothing when I could be out there searching for her. "I know. But look, I am heading to the police station just now. I will see you when you get there. Call me from the house if anything is off." "Will do." I hung up the phone on him as I turned down her street.

I shut off my car and ran up to the door. Spencer had given me a key the other week so I could get in and leave when I needed to. I unlocked the door and entered the house. I looked all around before running up the stairs to Summer's room. I opened her bedroom door and saw that her bed was made and her pyjama shirt was lying on the floor. Her school bag was gone and that seemed to be all.

As I looked around the rest of the house I found that nothing else seemed to be out of place from every other time I was here. Everything seemed to be in order. But nothing was at the same time. It felt both weird, and wrong, to be here without Summer. For she was my only reason for being here.

I walked back out to my car when I got a call. "Hey Spence." I answered. "Calum. She's gone." I felt my heart stop, like literally, it stopped. My jaw was dropped and I felt a weight just fall on me. She is actually gone. I can't believe it. I hoped I was wrong. I hoped she was skipping school. I would rather she was avoiding me. I would rather she was sneaking off with a boyfriend than what was actually happening. She was kidnapped. And I can't do anything about it.

"Calum!" I heard Spencer shout down the phone. The only thing that brought me out of my thoughts. "You have to go to the Station. I will get you there." He told me before hanging up. I was standing outside their house, nodding at my phone like an idiot. I just was so- urgh! I don't even know.

That is when the anger kicked in. It took over from the fear, if only for a little while. These dickheads took Summer. And I will do everything I can to get her back. I will kill a fucker if I have to. As long as she is safe. I need her to be alright. I need her back with me. I really do.  

Guys, I actually loved the comments in the last chapter.  

I love how into this story you guys are.  It makes me so happy to see that people, like real people, actually enjoy the things that I create.  

Thank you so much.  

I love you guys.  Honestly, I really do.  

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