Part Fifty-Eight - I'm an ass

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Hey guys.  

Thank you all so much for your kind messages.  I am still struggling, always will.  But right now I am trying to get better and that is all that matters.  I just need to learn and move on.  If any of you are ever struggling then just let me know and I can be there for you.  

But here is an update to this wonderful story of Summer and Calum.  I hope you enjoy this.  I haven't repeated all of what Summer said because I felt it would be unnecessarily long.  So I suggest you re-read that if you haven't read it in a while.  

Love you guys! 


I had just poured out all my feelings to Summer and she was sitting there. She was silent. I didn't know if I had scared her or if she was just thinking. I was guessing that if she was that freaked out then she would have just run out the car and into her house. That was where we were, sitting in my car in her driveway. It wasn't as if it was completely out of the blue, my confession. I mean, yes, we hadn't spoken in weeks but it wasn't as if I hated her or anything like that, I half expected her to hate me, but she didn't. After I was finished talking she didn't recoil in disgust or burst into tears. She was just... quiet. I knew she was thinking. Thinking about everything I had said and thinking about her reply.

She finally turned to look at me after what felt like hours but was only a few minutes. I looked at her in anticipation, this was going to be the answer to everything. It would either make me move on from my feelings, or it would be the answer I've been dying to hear for months. "Calum. I like you too." She tells me quietly, but with a timid smile on her face. My face must have lit up, I felt my heart warm up from her words. She likes me too! I was probably smiling like the Cheshire cat. "Let's go inside to talk." She says as she opens her door to get out. She walks up to her house and I follow her like a lost puppy.

When we get inside she goes straight to the kitchen and flicks on the kettle, probably remembering how much I enjoy a hot drink of tea from our talk way back before she went missing. She got a water from the fridge and sat door across from me at the island. "Tea alright?" She asks and I just smile at her, knowing she remembered. "Yeah." She smiled back at me and it made my smile get brighter from the small movement on her face.

She finished making my tea, just how I liked it, and handed it over to me and retaking her seat. I stirred it all around in the mug, to fill the silence before she spoke, knowing that she wanted to speak without me interrupting her. "Calum. I do like you too. And because of that, I need to tell you. I need to tell you about Elijah." She tells me and my smile slightly drops. I don't know why she feels the need to tell me, I don't even fully know if I want to know. "Okay? If that's what you want?" I ask her. I know the concern is probably showing on my face, I just don't want to stress her out. She nods back with a smile, confirming that she needs to do this.

I sat there silently, giving her a small smile as she prepared herself to reveal what happened while she was gone from us. She recalled everything as I listened along to her as she spoke. She speaks about him as if he was something special to her, which I knew he was. I feel myself flinch as she talks of how he loved her and that she knew it was true. I have learned that it was most likely true as well. It was very unusual for him to keep a girl for that long and not to send her off or kill her. She wasn't tortured when she stayed with him, this much I knew. It has become apparent to me that Elijah was most likely mentally ill, and the pressures from his family added to it. He killed his own family, but he kept Summer safe.

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