Part Sixty - No Place I'd Rather Be

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After I had finished work I met up with Spencer for a little while. He told me that he needed to talk to me and that it was important. I believe Spencer when he says that it is important, as much as we are friends we don't really meet up unless there is a reason for it. He didn't tell me what it was about but that didn't matter to me, if it was important to Spencer then it was important to me.

I was going to his office so that there was no risk of anyone over hearing our conversation. I walked into the lobby and asked the receptionist for him. She smiled at me and tried to flirt by fluttering her eyelashes at me, that wasn't going to work, it just looked like she had something stuck in her eye. "Can you just tell me where his office is?" I asked, growing tired of her trying to make conversation. She let out a sigh. "Sure, he is on the second floor, turn left out the elevator and his office is the glass room in the corner of the hall." She told me, her flirty voice gone also. "Thanks." I nodded before making my way to the elevator.

I got out on his floor and followed the blonde woman's instructions. I knocked on the door, seeing Spencer nod through the glass. Walking into the room, I appreciated how beautiful the inside of the building actually was. I glanced around his office as I sat down opposite Spencer as he was on the phone. There were a couple photo frames that I could see, ones of Spencer with his friends, then him and his family and then one at the end in a different frame of him and Summer that I knew was very recent.

I admired the photo as I waited for Spencer to finish. They were both smiling widely and they looked so genuinely happy. They were in a forest and Summer was on the ground, Spencer obviously trying to help her out but they were laughing. "Luke took that a couple weeks ago." Spencer told me as he had finished his call, which I was previously unaware of. I smiled at it before looking at him. "It's really cute. You look so happy." I stated and he nodded. "Yeah, she had just tripped over a log. She wanted to climb the tree and I told her she would fall because, as you and I both know, she has the agility of a sloth. She was arguing before she tripped." He laughed, recalling the memory. I chuckled quietly.

Spencer then cleared his throat before he took a serious looking folder out of his drawer. "So I got a rather interesting visit today." He told me and I looked at him not really knowing what it could possibly be about. "It was from an estate lawyer." He added and I nodded, unsure of what else to do. "Whose estate?" I asked curiously. "Elijah's." Spencer stated simply and my jaw dropped. "What? Why would he visit you?" I wondered, breathlessly. "I had the same reaction. But it turns out that Elijah had made the paperwork with his lawyer back in April of this year that he wanted to leave everything he owned to Summer." He explained and I furrowed my brow. "So like, his will?" I asked him. "Yes. Exactly." He cleared his throat looking a little uneasy as if that wasn't the whole truth about that. I wasn't going to pry though. "Why has it taken so long then? He died around the middle of September." I questioned, wanting to know more. Spencer was silent. "The police had to do a lot of investigations into his estate in order to see what was evidence that they'd have to keep. They have finished the investigation now and so they have brought all the paperwork to me to hand over everything to Summer." He clarified. I just watched him as he seemed deep in thought.

So Elijah left everything to Summer, not to his family or to some partner or anything, he left them to the girl he held captive for months. I guess Summer must have made quite an impression on him. "Calum?" Spencer said looking pained. "What the hell do I do with this?" He posed, keeping my gaze looked with his, I told him the only answer I have. "I've no idea, mate." He let out a sigh and I breathed out the air I could. "Do I give it to her?" He queried. "Yes. Eventually. But not just now. Let her focus on her studies and tell her after. She deserves to know the truth. She was obviously very important to him and we know that he was important to Summer. But right now, she can't have this put on her." Giving my advice was why he needed me here and so that is what I did. I honestly don't think that giving Summer the deed to everything Elijah owned is something that needs to be done right now, it may make her close herself off again and that is not something that we can deal with when she needs to focus on getting past these exams and getting better. It isn't selfish, it is caring about her. Spencer nodded his head agreeing with me. "She deserves to know the truth, but that doesn't mean we need to tell her at the moment. We can hold off for a while." "Exactly."

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