Part Twelve - Summer On My Mind

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I had left the police station with Luke and we actually had to break the speed limit.  We had to make sure that we weren’t too late.  This morning had taken longer than we had expected.  I still don’t even know what happened to Summer.  She had been gone for ages before I was even taken to take my statement.  Something must have gone wrong or it was more serious than expected. 

We arrived at the school and just split up.  Luke raced to his classroom so that he wasn’t too late to class.  I had to race all the way to the other side of the school but lucky for me, my students still had to get changed into their kit.  I had a little more time to spare. 

When I finally got to the staff room they all were just talking about their other classes and just random stuff.  My late arrival had gone unnoticed – thank fuck.  I got out to my class and they were all waiting patiently. 

I got on with my lessons but Summer was still in my mind.  I knew that she was coming to school since she had been wearing her uniform.  God she looked beautiful this morning.  But her face was sad and she looked exhausted.  Letting out little yawns all morning and rubbing her eyes.  She was adorable- I need to stop these thoughts.  She is my student.

Ben seemed overly suspicious this morning.  But he really didn’t know what he was talking about.  Of course Summer is my student and she is beautiful and I am kind of obsessed with her, but I would never act on it.  I don’t even know how she feels.  Why would she feel the same way about me?  I am her teacher and she has a boyfriend, besides, she could get any guy she wanted.  She is so pretty, no matter how she is dressed, and when she has no make-up on and even when her make-up has ran halfway down her face.  But no.  I cannot think about her. 

All my classes were boring and by the time it was Summer’s class I had already gotten a pretty good idea of what I was going to do for her class.  I didn’t want her to feel defenceless again, no girl should be unprepared if she gets attacked or whatever.  She probably won’t even take part and if she didn’t want to I would completely understand and be okay with it. 

I was setting up the gym when I felt somebody else’s presence beside me.  I looked over and saw Summer standing beside me in her kit.  Obviously she was taking part and it made me happy. 

“Hey Summer.”  I smiled at her.  “Hey sir.”  She returned my smile.  She looked better than this morning, she still looked exhausted but that was understandable.  She no longer looked upset and helpless.  I felt better seeing her looking like herself. 

“You know you don’t have detention right?  You don’t need to help me?”  I chuckled at her teasingly.  She just rolled her eyes, sassy Summer is back.  “Can’t I just be nice?”  She asked exasperated.  I just continued laughing.  I gave her a smirk.  “People can be nice.  You cannot.”  I tell her and she drops what she was holding.  I had obviously annoyed her and that was what I wanted.  “Do you not want help or something?  Because I can just got and sit at the side and watch you do this all by yourself.”  She threatens, still holding her smile though.  “And why would you want to watch me?”  I grin at her, just trying to annoy her more.  “You are such a dick!”  She says with a little chuckle.  She walks off to the side as she had threatened to do. 

I laughed and stole a few glances at her as I continued to set out all of the equipment by myself.  I walked over to the class once it was all set out.  “So guys.  Today we are going to do some boxing.  I know what you are thinking, ‘we are girls.  Why would we want to fight?’ but I think it is a necessary skill and we are doing it anyway.  Because I am the teacher and I say so.”  I say with a smile.  Some of the girls groaned and a few others just deadpanned.  But some of them did seem excited, one of those was Summer.  She probably knew why I decided to do this, since it wasn’t on the curriculum.  But I wanted to do it.  Besides, she might want to get some anger or frustration out on something.  And this is the perfect setting for it. 

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