Part 19 - A Fucking Bombshell

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Sorry this took so long. I have just been really struggling with dealing with my on-off boyfriend. We have been dealing with a lot of shit and it takes a lot out of you when you have the issues we do.

Anyway, it is pretty short. And it may be a little weird. Sorry about that.

But here you go...

To say I was nervous was beyond an understatement. I had spent my whole weekend worrying about my stupid fucking kiss I left on Calum's cheek. He probably thinks I am some fucking child with a schoolgirl crush on her hot older teacher. I amn't. At least I don't think I am. It's just, my brain doesn't seem to work sometimes when I am around him. It is like he makes my whole brain fuzz. I really hope he forgets about it. I hope that he thinks it was me just being grateful for him looking out for me. I am fucking praying that he won't act weird with me or whatever.

I was so glad that Soccer practise was cancelled on Saturday morning because of the weird ass weather. But now I just have to deal with actually going to school. I have to cope with seeing him in class and then at practise after school. He was fine after our actual make-out sesh, so this should be fine for him to ignore. Oh god! What the fuck? Why has this happened to me? So much has happened between me and my fucking teacher and I seriously cannot believe it.

I chucked on my uniform and walked down the stairs to see my brother was still at the office. He had to go last night because there was some issue with the big case he was working or something. He works so much and I really can't ever take it all in. So many big words and shit.

Thankfully I had my car and so I was driving to school. I didn't want to have to deal with anybody. I planned to arrive just before the bell so I didn't have to deal with anybody. Especially not Sasha and Tom. I haven't spoken to Sasha since Friday at the end of school when she was being weird and suspicious. I don't know if I trust her about the whole thing with Tom but she is my best friend, I will have to talk to her at some point, just not right now.

The bell rings as I walk into Maths. I see Mr Hemmings smile at me and I return it as I walk to my seat. I actually have to pay attention in class because I really don't want to fail or have him annoyed at me. He does check up on me, but he doesn't ask me to answer questions out loud, he just walks around and looks at my work. I am thankful that he isn't making a massive deal out of trying to embarrass me in front of my entire class like most other teachers do. He is pretty cool. Well he is massively cool.

The bell rings and he just smiles as we all leave. He gave us our homework but it isn't due until a few days away because he still needs to teach some of it. He gives us out the work early so we can do some of it and not leave it all until last minute which is pretty smart.

I am dreading my next class. I have gym. With Mr Hood. And Sasha. As I walk down through the school on my way to class I feel someone walking beside me. "So are we just ignoring each other now?" I hear Sasha ask. I turn to her but keep walking. "I amn't ignoring you." I say simply. "Well you aren't talking to me." She says accusingly. "I have just had a busy weekend. That is all. I am sorry." I tell her truthfully. It was busy. Worrying and regretting a stupid action really takes it out of you.

She nods. "Okay. Well if we need partners in gym, can we go together?" She asks me with a timid smile. "Of course. That is if Mr Hood lets us." I smirk back at her. "Yeah. He was pretty weird about that last week." She chuckles. "I dunno. I mean, I think he likes punishing me." "Oh kinky." She winks. I laugh at her. I shake my head as we walk into the change rooms.

We walk up to the halls together and see that most of the other girls are there since Maths class is right on the other side of the school. "How nice of you two to actually join us." Some old teacher tells us. I glance at her in confusion. "Where is Mr Hood?" I ask. "He will be here soon." She says without any kind of emotion in her voice. "Where was he?" I ask again, seeming way too interested. "I don't believe that is any of your concern Miss Thompson." She says annoyed at me. I blush and nod. I walk silently with Sasha to the other side of the hall. The old teacher just talks about random shit until the door of the hall swings open with a flustered looking Mr Hood. "Miss Thompson I need to see you for a second out here please?" He says straight away. My eyes widen as he looks at me. I gulp and nod as I get up of the ground and walk quickly over to the door.

When we get out of the hall he leads me to his office. "What's happening?" I ask him. "I was at the station this morning." He tells me seriously. "Why? What happened?" I was worried now. What was it about? Did someone see us? Did someone report something? "The guy from that night. Apparently he and the gang he belongs to- they've been reported to have attacked three girls and two guys this weekend alone." He tells me with wide and glazed eyes. "Holy shit! Seriously?" I was not expecting that. I am seriously scared now. "Summer. The girls..." He stops himself and squeezes his eyes together. "What? What about them?" I inquire. "They all match your description." He tells me after a long pause. "What?" I breathe out as I collapse to the floor my legs giving way under the news.

Calum comes down to the floor with me. "The police. They are worried about you. They think that they are looking for you. To get rid of any witnesses." "Well what about the guys?" I ask him worried for him. "They match my description." "Oh my God! Calum!" I say with tears welling in my eyes. "The police want to put us in witness protection Summer." He tells me and my eyes widen even more. "What?" I ask, not believing that this is seriously happening to me. "I managed to convince them to hold off for a while, well with your brother. He was there this morning too. He said that they may as well try to catch them before they jump to conclusions." Calum tells me. I nod slowly.

After a long silence I finally look up at him. "I am scared, Cal." I whisper quietly, my voice not strong enough. "I know you are. I am too." He says truthfully. "What is going to happen to us?" I ask him with pain in my voice. "I don't know Summer. I honestly have no idea." He tells me softly shaking his head. "But I can promise you this. I will not let anyone hurt you." He tells me seriously as he looks straight into my eyes. I glance up and blink. "Don't be stupid. Look after yourself. I can look after myself." I tell him. "No. I will look after both of us. Okay? Nobody will get to you." He tells me with authority. I nod softly. "Okay."

After that blow to my brain he went back to the other teacher that was taking my class. He was whispering things to her and she looked worried and confused all at once before nodding her head. Calum came back over to me. "We are leaving. I am taking you home and I will stay with you until your brother gets home. You can't stay at school when you've just had this kind of news." He tells me as he leads me out of the halls. I saw the other girls eyes watch us curiously, especially Sasha. I knew my face was probably red and blotchy from my tears but I couldn't care less about that right now.

Calum had us walk back to Mr Hemmings' class after we got my stuff from the change rooms. He went in and told him something and gave him the keys to his car. Luke seemed worried but Calum said something and he nodded anyway. Calum just came back to join me and we walked to my car. He took my keys off of me and opened the passenger door for me. He went to the drivers' side and we drove to my house in silence.

I can't believe this happened to me. To us. This morning all I was worrying about was whether or not Calum would be weird because I kissed him on the cheek. But fuck. These guys were seriously deranged. They had attacked people purely because they looked like us. I felt bad for them. I caused this. I wish that I had never attempted to walk home from Tom's house. I wish that I wasn't such an idiot that spoke to the guy. I wish I hadn't told the police. I even wish that I hadn't ran into Calum. Because then he wouldn't be in just as much danger as me. It is all my fault. I put these people in danger because I was a fucking idiot who got in a fight her boyfriend and left. It is all my fault and I just feel so guilty and horrible for these people. I am such a fuck-up.

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