Part Sixteen - Joking Around

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After our kiss yesterday she just kind of got up smiled at me and then left. I thought it was something I did. And as I tried to sleep yesterday I couldn't shake the feeling that she hated me and that she completely regretted it. But then I remember that she was the one that wanted me to kiss her again. Nothing broke us apart except for her. It was as if she suddenly realised what we were doing and completely hated it.

When she broke off from our kiss Summer smiled at me her weird fake smile and then ran out of the room. Surely my kissing wasn't that bad? It was probably just something that she knew she shouldn't be doing and so left before anything else could happen, like somebody walking in on us. It was actually probably good that she left then because Luke came in just after she left to see where I was. Imagine he had walked in on us. That would have been a very difficult thing to explain.

But now I am just sitting in my car waiting for Luke to come in after a very restless sleep. I couldn't get Summer out of my head, especially not our kiss. But I know it can't happen again. Not matter how much I would like it to.

Luke asked me what was up with me yesterday when he saw me sitting in the same position I had when Summer was there. I had watched her leave and was psyching myself up to go after her. But Luke came in and it was probably better that way. I don't even know what I would have done had I gone after her. I probably would have either stood there awkwardly watching her or I would have declared my undying love for her, I don't even know which would have been more awkward.

Luke came out to the car just as I was stuck in my thoughts and snapped me out of them. "You ready to go?" He asked when I just looked at him. I cleared my throat and nodded. "Are you okay bud?" He said as I started the engine. "Yeah, I am. I just- I was thinking." I tell him quietly pulling out of our driveway. "Ash and Mike still asleep?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "Of course they are. They are both last fucks." He laughed. "Actually, Ashton has already been out a run but he went back to sleep after." He giggled and I laughed with him. "He is just lying on his bed with his towel on." He said and I laughed with a nod.

We quickly arrive at school after some general small talk. As we walk in he turns to me. "You got anything on after school today?" He asks me. "Not that I know of. You?" I answer. "Shouldn't do. I need to talk to a student about stuff but if anything changes I'll come tell you." "Sounds good." I say. "Thank god it's Friday. I feel like I could sleep for a week." He laughed as we walked into the building. "I know what you mean man. I hardly slept last night." I tell him. "Really? Why?" He asks me and I freeze. "Erm, no reason. Just thinking." I shrug. "You've been doing a lot of that recently." He chuckles and I laugh with him. "I know man. Dangerous times."

We part ways as we walk to our opposite sides of the school. I walk slowly through the school and see Tom. He comes over to me and I stop when I hear him shout my name. "Hey Coach!" I turn and see him behind me. I walk to him slowly. "What's up Tom?" I ask, bored with him already. "I just- ahem, I wanted to apologise for yesterday. I was totally out of line at practise. I know that you are the coach and you have the final say. I was just kind of confused and annoyed at Summer so I was taking it out on your choice for the team." "What happened with you and Summer?" I ask, a little too interested but he just sighs. "I don't know. We were fine but then she just kind of stopped talking to me. I tried to ask Sasha, her best friend, but she has no idea. I just don't think she is alright just now." "Right, well I think she will be fine. If you have any concerns you can talk to me about them." I say, trying not to sound so interested. "Okay, thanks man." He smiles at me. "It's fine Tom. You should probably head to class, the bell will be going any minute." I tell him and he nods. "See you later." He smiles walking back over to who I assume are his friends. Summer isn't there and neither is Sasha, but that girl Megan is. So much for it being Summer acting weird...

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