Hey Guys!

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Hello dearest readers.

So I was thinking of starting a new story. I know this seems weird. I will post the blurb kind of thing below and you can just comment if you would like to read it or whatever. Please do tell me your thoughts on it. It is an Ash fic.

Jessica Knight was sure that she only liked girls.  Girls were all she had ever known and all she had ever been attracted too.  She even had a girlfriend.  She loved girls, loved boobs and loved their butts.  That was all before she met Ashton Irwin. 

She thought she was safe but that was until she started to fall in love with his giggle and the way he was so childish but so... daddy, for a lack of a better word.  He was so sure of himself and he just loved to have fun. 

Jess had never known what it was like to be attracted to a guy.  But what she felt for Ashton was so different to what she had ever felt for anyone else she had ever met and thought she had loved. 

The thing is that she wasn't bisexual because she still didn't like any other guys.  They were all the same, they were all just laughs and dicks.  But Ashton was so much more to her.  He was better than boobs and he had a nice butt.  He was one for three.  But that didn't matter to Jess. 

She knew she loved Ashton but she couldn't admit to it.  She was a lesbian and that is what she needed to stay. 

She knew it didn't make sense because most people would rather be straight than gay, but it wasn't that easy for her.  She had lived her whole life liking girls.  She wasn't going to change that for one boy.  Or would she?

And thank you so much for reading Mr Hood. It means so much to me. Every vote and comment just make me smile. I love that so many of you actually read this and are interested in the story.

remember to tell me if you like the idea for a new story...

peace out;)x

Mr Hood (Calum Hood AU)Where stories live. Discover now