Part 27 - Quiet Cal

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Hey guys.  

I know sorry doesn't even cut it.  I haven't been in a good place recently and everything has been getting on top of me.  I know that you guys probably thought last chapter was the end or something, but it wasn't, there is still a lot left to come. 

I love you guys and thank you so much for reading this story and pestering me to update.  It actually makes me feel so happy to see how many people enjoy my writing.   

So here is the next chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

The days went by until it was the end of the week. It was rather uneventful. I went to school, talked to friends and came back from school. Sasha was a bit pissed at me and everything because she felt like I was trying to distance myself from her, which, I guess, is kind of true. I just don't want her to be in danger, there are already enough people involved and I don't want to have to tell anybody about it.

Calum was there, obviously, and we talked a bit. We could never exactly show how close we were because he was still my teacher even though we were a lot more than that. Actually, I don't even know what we are. We are just very close, but I think we are just friends... I mean, sure we have kissed a few times and cuddled sometimes. Like when we had a really bad power cut and he was over at my house because my brother was away for two days for work and I got a little scared. I am afraid of the dark and I thought he would laugh at me, but he was really nice about it at the time. He has made a few jokes about it since then but it is all fine.

Luke was also quite worried about me, he still tutors me and that is actually quite fun. I know, maths tutoring, how fun can it be? But because we are over at their house for it and the other guys are there it is really funny. Ashton still tries to hit on me and Calum gets really annoyed at him, so that leaves Ash with a rather sore head after it. Michael is hilarious and he is just so ditzy that I found myself loving him, as a friend. But I don't think he sees us as friends, just acquaintances, but still. The guys are all amazing and I like them all, a lot.

It is a Saturday today, so I have training with Calum in the morning and he usually comes over after. We have to be quite subtle about it, though because people would totally get the wrong idea. Tom has been such a dick to me. He keeps trying to leave me out of the practices and stuff, but Harry and Calum always make sure that people pass me the ball. I feel a bit like a child when it happens, but he really won't let me even near the ball. He always gets people to do illegal tackles and it is so annoying.

I really like Harry, he is so cute. At first he was really nervous about being the vice-captain. Because of how all the guys treat him, but after the first couple practices he has really gotten his voice, and inputs in everything and most of his plays are helping us all to do better in the practice games we do. He does have such a talent. Harry is a skilled player, and I am glad that Calum knew that, or else he wouldn't be given a chance. A bit like me, I guess.

The practice soon comes to an end. As I am packing up my stuff and throwing a shirt over my sports bra a ball hits me on the leg. I turn around with a glare, expecting it to be one of the boys, but much to my surprise, I see the cheerful Ashton standing giggling like a little girl. I drop my glare into a smile and he just smiles back at me. "Hello there, Miss Summer." "Hey Ash." I chuckle as I throw my old shirt into my bag. "What brings you to my territory?" I ask with a fake frown. "Picking up Harry. I am going over to my mums for dinner tonight so I offered to save her driving all the way out here for him." "What a good big brother you are." I chuckle. "But yes, that seems like an acceptable excuse." I inform him and he laughs. "Why thank you, princess." He giggles and I laugh with him. "Princess?" I ask. "Yeah. You are." He tells me and I just nod. I know his brain has some reason for it.

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