Part 13 - The First Practice

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Sorry this took so long. I have been so busy lately. I don't even know. But it is up.

Thank you all so much for reading this. I love you all. I can't believe so many people actually read what I write. It is amazing. You are amazing.

School passed by really fast. My guidance teacher had told all of my teachers to take it easy on me and so I wasn't bothered by them at all during class. I wouldn't have cared if I was but I was glad that I didn't have to give in any answers, and I certainly didn't mind not having to the homework. Last night played through my mind a lot and it wasn't good. I kept worrying but I was trying to do what Mr Hood had said and not let it bother me.

I hadn't seen Tom all day, I felt like he was avoiding me for some reason that I was completely unaware of. I wasn't even sure what was wrong. I know that he was pissed off at me at his party but I couldn't help feeling as if there was something else bothering him. I am sure I will find out when we all show up to soccer practice after school.

I am really dreading it, well not the practice just all the guys on the team. They are all massive douches and I just hope they won't hate me. But I am Tom's girlfriend so hopefully that will make them not hate me as much. They all like Tom and are scared of him because he is the most popular guy at the school. So it should work out fine.

I said goodbye to Sasha and she had told me to take it easy and stuff. She also said to call her if I needed anything. Of course I hadn't told her what really happened last night but she was still worried. It was as if she knew something else was going on. But she left me to it and didn't bring it up. She was more interested in what had happened with Tom rather than anything else.

When I got up to the hall after getting changed into my shorts and a baggy t-shirt the guys were all there, just staring at me. They were like glaring at me, as if to silently ask why the hell I was there. It had become very strange for girls to play soccer and especially at my school it wasn't really what people expected. So for me, a girl, to be standing at soccer practice all ready when they didn't even know if they were in the team yet, it must have been confusing. I was in and I knew I was. They must have guessed I was in the wrong place but they all continued to just watch me as I walked in the room and stood off to the side.

Tom wasn't in the hall and neither was Mr Hood. I wasn't sure who I would have rather been there but from all of their reactions I wanted Mr Hood there. Even though we aren't close and met the other day he managed to make me feel safe and right now I wasn't. I felt hated and rejected.

But just as I was feeling like shit because of the other guys, Harry came in with a hesitant look on his face. He looked around at the guys and they gave him the same greeting as they did me. I smiled at him and gave a slight wave and he returned it before he came and joined me. We were talking about random stuff for a while and he said he was nervous to find out. I told him he was probably in and that he had nothing to be nervous about - it was easy for me to say though, I know he is in.

After about ten minutes Mr Hood walked in with Tom right behind him. Tom looked pissed and so did Mr Hood but he was at least hiding his annoyance. I smiled at them as they walked in. Tom just looked at me, shook his head and walked to the group of guys that were awaiting their fate. If this is how he is going to treat me then he can just fuck right off. I am not going to do what he wants, just as I wouldn't expect him to do or not do something just because I told him too.

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