Part Thirty-Two - Getting to the Bottom of This

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Sorry this took a whole week longer than I told you guys.  I hope you love this and that you think it was worth the wait.  I think it is quite good and even if it isn't realistic, it is what happens in this story.  


It has been too long. Far too long since I have seen Summer, heard her laugh and just felt her presence around me. I can't stand it. I miss her. It as if I have never been without her. The thing that is killing me is that I can't talk to people about it. Nobody understands this and I can't even begin to try and explain what it is that Summer and I have. We don't have a relationship, just a very close friendship. We can't have the relationship that, I think, we both want.

I have no idea what is happening to her right now. No idea if she is even alive at the current moment. It has been so long that people are beginning to question her disappearance. The school have been informed and they have put the classes on hold for the next two weeks, until she is returned. They don't want any other students at risk, even though they aren't.

The police know who have her, I know who has her, but I can't do anything about it. They won't let me anywhere near the investigation. They even gave me guards so that I am safe, because right now, I am the only witness against them. It is complete bull and I am so angry. The pain is getting to me, as much as I try to push it away. I can't stand not seeing her. I would rather have her back and never be able to be with her than to go through this unknown state of what is happening.

The boys are worried about me, they don't think I have been myself. They say that they miss how I use to be. It is taking a lot of me to not start shouting at them. At this point in time I am locked in my room just trying to think of how they could have found Summer. They didn't have any idea who she was. The thing that I am also trying to figure out is how they got her. She was smart, and Sasha said that she was in the school that morning. She was safe. So why the hell did she leave?

Sasha also mentioned that there was a guy. A guy that Summer was going to meet. But who could it be? She never mentioned anybody to me, especially not another guy. But maybe, she didn't want to. Maybe she was playing us both? But she wasn't. I know that. In my heart, I know she wasn't trying to mess me around.

I need to Sasha. She is Summer's best friend. Surely, she must know something? I get dressed quickly in some sweatpants and I hoodie, not caring at all what I look like, I throw a beanie on my head. I walked down the hall and through the front room. "Hey Cal! Where you going?" Ashton shouts to me. "Out. Why?" I say, not caring to divulge any details. "I just, I haven't seen you in a while. Do you want company?" He asks, he seems upset. Ashton is never upset, he was always upbeat. "Not for this. Sorry." I tell him. "Oh. Okay. But I'll see you later?" He asks, trying to pick up the tone of his voice. "Sure buddy." I say as I walk out the house.

As I jump in my car I pull out my phone. I click on Spencer's contact name and ask him where Sasha lives. He replies straight away with her address and I make my way towards her house. I drive full speed along the way. Not caring about speed limits or anything, I just need to try to find something, anything, that might lead me to Summer.

I pull up outside Sasha's house and walk up to the front door. I ring the doorbell of the small house that looks like it has been worn down and in need of some care. Sasha opens the door with red eyes that widen at the site of me. "Mr Hood? What are you doing here?" She asks me looking very confused. "Hello Sasha. I need to ask you some questions." I told her. Not really caring about her knowing about my interest at this point in time. "Why? What about?" "Summer." I tell her straight out. She motions for me to come in and I do.

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