Part Forty-Two - Start from Scratch

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Hey guys.  

Thought I would update early since I had to take a day off work and I feel like shit.  

So here you go guys, do enjoy.  

I had been sitting there for hours, days. Ever since we got the call I had sat there waiting for her to wake. I held her hand, I played with her long hair and I just kept her company. I didn't know what she was doing while she was in that coma. But today is different. She seems sad, sadder than usual. There was actually a tear that rolled down her cheek. I just wanted it to stop. I wanted to not be in pain. I was about to call Spencer and so I did something I did sometimes when I left her room, I kissed her.

I attached my lips to hers, but this time she kissed back. Summer kissed me back. Her eyes opened and she was looking at me. She gasped and I pulled away. I knew there was going to be the biggest smile on my face that anybody could have ever had. Nothing in this moment could pull me out of this happiness. "You're not Elijah." Apart from that. I thought that if she at least didn't remember me she wouldn't remember anything. But this makes it obvious. She doesn't remember me, but she remembers the man that took her from me. I have never felt more hatred than I did for him at this moment.

"Thank god!" She smiled up at me and I smiled again. At least she isn't in love with him. That had been a thought that had plagued me since I heard she was shot after protecting him. I pulled her into a hug. But she didn't hug back, she just sat there as I hugged her. I pulled away when I remembered that she still doesn't know who I am. "I'm sorry. I am just so glad that you are awake." I chuckled as the giddy feeling of her being awake hits me again. Her eyes looked a little brighter and then she looked out the door as if she was looking for someone, probably Spence. "It's fine. I just don't know why you're here? Is Elijah still here? Where is my brother?" She asked me looking hopeful. Why does she want to know where Elijah is? It she in love with him?

But she said she didn't know why I was here. That hurt me. As much as I had tried to prepare myself for it, it still hurt like hell. "You don't remember me?" I asked the pain not being easily concealed. "I know you're my PE teacher. And there is something else- but it isn't possible." She shakes her head at me. I want to ask her what it was, but I don't want to pressure her, she did just get out of a coma.

I just look around the room, trying to not get caught in the awkwardness of the exchange. "What about Tom?" She asks me. Of course, she doesn't remember us, so why should she remember breaking up with Tom. "No. He is dating Sasha now. She has been to visit but not Tom." I tell her, probably a little harsher than I should have. I was just a little upset. "Tom and Sasha!?" She almost shouts, obviously shocked at the news. "When did this happen?" She looks like she is about to cry. She probably thinks that this happened when she was missing. "You broke up with him. Said that he wasn't what you wanted because you- erm never mind that." I shake my head, not wanting to have to convince of something that she doesn't want anymore.

She looks at me, her eyes urging me to continue. "No. What were you going to say?" She asks me to continue. "You discovered what he was like and there was somebody else that you were starting to think more about. At least, that's what you told me." I tell her. I cannot exactly just say that she broke up with him because he was a douche and then we started making out randomly and we admitted that we wanted each other right before she went missing. I hope she doesn't ask me who it was that she was starting to think about. "And why would I tell you?" That wasn't the question I was expecting. "Because we- because you- we're friends." I tell her, more like stutter. But that is the best I can do. I don't want to bombard her with new information.

She looks at me for a long time and I try to avoid her eyes but she keeps me entranced, she always keeps me hypnotised by her. I started to pace as I break myself out of it, if I didn't then I'd end up kissing her again. "Summer. I am really glad that you are awake." I tell her. Even though she doesn't know who I am or who she is to me, I need to tell her this. "I just want to tell you that I am so sorry for what has happened." I say, knowing that my voice is cracking and my eyes are starting to water, but I don't care. She has been through too much and she still came out of it. She looks at me with a strange look and wide eyes but she coughs and then just smiles at me. "Why are you sorry?" She asks curiously. I just need to know what she knows. "What do you remember Summer?" I ask her softly.

She looks off into the distance for a while before she looks at me. "Just fragments. I remember a warehouse. And Gregor. And Elijah. And-and Megan!" She shouts as the memories make there was into her mind. "Megan was there! She is his sister! Elijah Hamilton!" She shouts again and the tears break out of her eyes. Megan Hamilton? She was involved in this? No wonder she- her boyfriend. He put the note. She probably made him. What a sick bitch! "He shot his sister. They- they shot me." She whispers, just loud enough for me to hear. He killed Megan. That man was a psycho. Summer, she is so broken. My little innocent.

I rushed over to her side as I saw her begin to shake with the memories that came flooding back. I cannot even imagine having to witness what she has in the past four and a half months. I will never meet anybody as strong as she is. "I'm here. They aren't going to get you." I try to calm her down, it may not work since she has no idea who the hell I am. I kiss her forehead as she turns to me. 

"Thank you Cal." She says softly. My heart stops and my eyes go owl. I turn and just look at her. "You called me Cal." I say, the shock evident in my voice. She looks worried. "Oh, I guess I did. Is that not your name?" She asks. She remembers my name. "It is. You remembered me." I smile down at her. "I did. I just wish I could remember everything." She says the last part so quietly, that I don't think I was meant to hear it. "Step by step, love." I tell her as I kiss her forehead once more.

She curls up into me as I sit on her bed. I know that this isn't allowed but I don't care. I also know that I probably should have gotten a nurse or doctor, or hell, even called Spencer. But that can wait. Right now she is too raw for all of that. She is just coming to terms with what she knows and what has happened. I just want to let her rest without everyone interrupting whatever this is. If she can't remember me then I want to be able to make new memories, I want to make her fall in love with me, even if I start all over again. That is what I need to do, as long as she wants to. We will start from scratch.

So there you go.  That is another chapter done.  Hope you guys liked it.  Sorry for leaving you hanging a bit.  But there you go, maybe another little insight into the backlash of the time Summer was missing.  

Thank you all so much for reading and being so invested in this story.  It makes me really proud to think that I created this, but thank you.  Because without you guys commenting and voting I probably wouldn't have kept this going.  So it's for you guys because of you.  

This is this week's update.  There will not be another one tomorrow.  This is it.  But yeah, vote, comment and all that... 

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