[12]: Burn Phone

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As the hours ticked by, you had been sitting so deep into your leather sofa, that you were concerned, maybe you'd never make it back out

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As the hours ticked by, you had been sitting so deep into your leather sofa, that you were concerned, maybe you'd never make it back out.

The previous phone call you shared with your boss had got you thinking about a lot of things. Considering the way it all made you feel, you wanted to let the couch consume your body, mind and soul.

You wanted to disappear.



"Hello, Red. I have news."


"It's about your next assignment. Do you have some paper on hand?"

You sat up, reaching for the pen and booklet on your coffee table. "Yep. I assume it's going to be big?"

She paused. "Your biggest."

You gulped.

You weren't sure if you were lively enough to put so much discipline into such a big project at the moment, but you had to be prepared to anyway.

"Infiltrate and access information. It's a retrieval task. The target is a family. You get in, stay in, get what we need, and get out. It should all be smooth sailing, for the most of it. But it's no small job."

You wrote down the words: 'retrieval', 'in and out', and 'family'.

"Mhm. Under cover? Could take months."

"You don't have to worry about double-booking. I'll get low-tiers to do the smaller jobs, so you and your partner can focus." she spoke quickly, like she was in a rush for whatever reason. "If you could come by the agency and pick up the task file, your burn phone, and your partner, we can get into the details."

"Partner?" you asked attentively.

"Yes. I took into consideration, for this job, just how big of a target we're looking at. And, after digging through the intel of the Yakuza elites, I came to the conclusion that it's far too dangerous to send you in alone."

"But, don't you think I can handle-"

"I'm not a fool, I know you're capable, but you understand I can't risk losing you in the field, Red. And...actually I have a meeting now, so save the questions for later."  It was odd that she was in such a rush, because she normally sends stand-ins into her meetings on her behalf.

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