[48]: Firewall

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It was calm to chaos in a split second.

You feared that you had fallen into a trap. Actually, you knew you had. It was no doubt this was planned.

But by who?

You could barely see anything, other than the camera and some normal bathroom equipment.

"REAPER!" you shouted, banging on the door.

It must have been impulse, because you had never shouted out for help before.

He barely heard you but the building was quiet enough for him to just pick up on your voice. He sprung to action, sprinting in the direction he thought he heard you shout from.

"ECHO?" he called out, and shockingly not able to see you anywhere, he was immediately alarmed.

"Fuck," you hissed under your breath. Quickly, acting on your training, you stepped away from the door.

Aiming your gun towards the lock again, you tried your luck.

But after spraying the area, you noticed the bullets weren't even sinking into the wood. Matter of fact, the door wasn't actually made of wood. And the bullets were barely denting the door.

A bead of sweat rolls off your jaw. You look to the right wall, shoot. Then the left, and shoot. Nothing. You spray the roof, before trying the door again.

The room was bulletproof.

Outside, Jungkook heard where the rounds were being emptied, the many loud bangs muffled only by the door. The bathroom door, he approaches and knocks loudly with his whole fist.


"Yup. In here!"

He sounded more unnerved about the whole situation than even you did.

Maybe that was because he had no idea what was in the room with you. He could only imagine that the bullet spray was coming from a conflict between you and someone else.

But, inside, you were desperately trying to self-soothe and figure out what to do in the setting you currently had to adapt to.

Inside, you were not all that sure.

"I'm gonna get you out!" Jungkook shouted while repeatedly banging, "Can you hear me?!"

Your shoulders hung low and your posture was lame, you sighed. The A-R hung down by your hip as your eyes scanned the room quickly for what to do. There wasn't even a window.

You scanned every crack and crevasse of the room, not sure what to make of it being bulletproof.

This was an attack. An ambush.

That's when your eyes landed upon the camera.

"Reaper, Badger, Echo, Whistler!"

You all heard the intercom telecom buzz to life. Honestly, in the heat of everything, you had forgotten that you were wearing it. It was a relief to hear Hobi's voice.

Parked nearby in a large van, Hoseok taps away at his computer. After he surpassed the Firewall and came to the title of the mainframe videotape being 'gotcha!', he knew he had to get the team out of there.

Yoongi mentioned that the target got away, without him catching a description. Then, Hoseok sent Yoongi inside for backup.

Unfortunately, he couldn't see the footage for a moment. But, suddenly, after an odd buzzing sound, the image of you shooting around the red room came onto his screen.

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