[50]: Bits and Pieces

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Jungkook led you to his room that he had been sharing with Taehyung and Jimin

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Jungkook led you to his room that he had been sharing with Taehyung and Jimin.

It was dark, only a dark-red coloured lamp illuminating one corner of the room. The three of them didn't seem to have much of a passion for interior design, as the only decor bringing any personality was unfortunately their messy suitcases with clothes tumbling out all over the floor.

And of course the guns, explosives and other weapons resided in all areas of each room.

Jungkook still hadn't let go of your hand.

After looking around the room, you turn your gaze back up to Jungkook to see him looking intensely you already.


"You gotta stop calling me that." you replied lowly.

You would never admit that you were nervous. It was just that he was standing so close to you, that you could smell his shampoo and feel his short breaths.

"When you said Nakamura's ring, you meant..."

You squinted your eyes. "Yeah, from-"



Then, his gaze shifts, wondering around the room deep in thought. Still, he holds your hand. "Holy shit. Do you think..."

"Well, he's here. So that has to mean he's connected to all this shit. Not to mention the fact that he followed us around all night."

Jungkook let's go of your hand and puts both of his own to rest heavy on your shoulders. His eyes pierce through you like a hot knife through butter.

"What's your guess?"

You shrug, "Either it's a coincidence, which wouldn't make sense because our cover has obviously been blown. He knows we aren't who we said we were, but we still spent all that time in his home. He's probably just looking deeper into who we're working for, or what we were doing looking into him. And fuck i'm so angry I didn't realise that it was him who chased me at that bar, too."

"He's the one that punched your window?"

You nod. "Same guy."

You glanced down at your hands. "Alternatively, he could just want the same thing that we do—and he's using us, following us to get to the Egg quicker. Maybe he's just like us, but playing it smarter."

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