[13]: Partnership

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"Damn it!" Reaper let out, "We agreed not to do the name thing!"

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"Damn it!" Reaper let out, "We agreed not to do the name thing!"

Park Jimin, as he called himself, shook a stubby finger in Reaper's face, and clicked his tongue.

"No, no, you said not to give our names away to people we can't trust," then he looked back at you, squeezing your shoulder gently. "Look in her eyes and tell me I can't trust her."

Reaper crossed his arms. "You're joking, right?"

"Nonsense. So, Darlin'," he redirected his attention towards you, "What's your name?" Jimin cooed slowly, locking his eyes with yours.

Nonsense to assume you'd be so gullible.

"Think again," you nudged his arms off your shoulders and side-stepped past him. "I don't give that out."

Confused, Jimin glanced at his taller friend, then back to you. "Well, um, neither did we until five seconds ago?"

"That was your mistake." you repiled. "Call me Echo, if you have to."

"Echo is your code name?"

"It's what I use in the field."

"Alright, alright," Jimin surrendered with his arms up and an impressed grin, "Gonna be a hard nut to crack, I see." he walked to the kitchen. "Want a drink?"


Reaper showed you to the couch. "Jimin, let's not waste time. We have to meet the family tomorrow."

Jimin closed the fridge door after grabbing a beer for himself and Reaper. "Well, that doesn't give us very much time to get drunk, does it?" he looked in your direction.

"You know, I wouldn't be here right now if it weren't mandatory," you said firmly. "I'm here for business, and have no intention of being casual with you."

Next, it was Reaper that spoke.

"You know just as well as I that you don't have to be here."

That sentence tempted you to leave.

To cuss a profanity, grab your bag, and take your leave.

Maybe, it was just your age. The pure, petty defiance that runs rapids through your young blood.

"And, you're being a mood kill." he finished.

A blush of rage floods your features.

You immediately folded.

"Fine. Assholes. One beer."

Mr. Park and Reaper shared a glance across the room, followed up by a sneaky grin that they both tried to disguise as a casual lip-lick.

You didn't miss it, though. There was no way you were going to lower your guard. Not even to have a single beer. So, after Jimin placed a drink in front of you—and turned around for a moment to fluff the pillow he was going to sit on—you took the opportunity to swap your beer with his.

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