[46]: Shifting Feeling

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After the struggle of dripping a light-to-moderate puddle of pond water all through the house, and avoiding intense interviews from five different people, you finally made it back to your bedroom

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After the struggle of dripping a light-to-moderate puddle of pond water all through the house, and avoiding intense interviews from five different people, you finally made it back to your bedroom.

Yoongi went to his room too, probably for the same reason.

You had gotten so cold on the ride home, with the harsh winter air slamming against you non-stop for a whole half an hour.

Closing the door behind you, you stripped off your tee-shirt and threw into your pile of dirty clothes, needing to be washed.

Suddenly, after a very brief single knock, the door to your room swung back open. Jungkook stepped inside without hesitation.

"Oh, sorry." was his immediate reaction.

"What's the point of knocking if you're not gonna wait to hear my response?"

After ignoring your blasé, disregarding tone, Jungkook suddenly realised that you were without a shirt.

"I...uh," his eyes wandered, indiscreetly. "Was just wondering why you're all wet."

The initial concern probably came from the ludicrous amounts of people who might be trying to get a hit on you and your team.

He was concerned that it might have been an attack, or accident, he wanted to know. But suddenly, as he met your eyes, he felt a little less worried.

You turned to face him, black sports bra still running icy-cold water all over your chest and stomach.

Jungkook had developed this blush that swallowed his entire face in a deep red colour.

"It started raining." you said.

He made some feeble attempt at fixing his posture and correcting his fawning attitude, as he stood in the doorway. "No, it didn't."

"Yes, it did." you finished, leaving no room for him to argue. "Now, get out."

Just in that moment, Hoseok's lean figure floated behind past Jungkook in the hallway, he only got a very quick glance of what was going on inside the room.

"Oop, don't let me stop you guys."

And his voice trailed off as he disappeared.


Suddenly the contagious blush had caught you, too.

When Jungkook looked back your way and had no choice but to notice your face, he developed a brand new expression that you hadn't seen before on him.

He took a step further into the room.

His eyes were locked in an unbreakable agreement with yours, to simply not look away. He tested the waters by taking a few more slow steps towards you.

Since the club incident, something had changed. It was impossible to mistake that between the two of you, the feeling had shifted.

You had barely spoken since, but it was impossible to miss the constant unexplained tense glances, glares, and the heavy silence that you had both been frozen in.

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