[Epilogue]: Bangtan

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A tiny chuckle vibrates through the silent room.

"Good morning, bunny."

The sleepy, silky voice of your bed-partner fills your ears as does the sensation of gentle nails tickling your bare shoulder in a warm coaxing.


You hear him giggle, but your eyes remain closed. Your body is completely unwilling to wake up because this early-morning moment of serenity is far too heavenly.

"Good mooooorning," Jungkook coos cutely by your ear. "Are you sleeeepy?"

"Mhm..." you groan, slowly opening one eye enough to see what's before you.

You meet eyes with your boyfriend. He's sitting over you, one arm holding him upright against the bed, the other gently tickling your arm to wake you up softly. He's in a black singlet and his hair is wet as if he had just had a shower.

You close your single eye and smile, sinking deeper into the pillow.

Jungkook giggles again, leaning forward and planting a warm kiss onto your lips.

"I'm gonna get started on some coffee, love." Jungkook's voice is buttery and warm. "Join me when you're ready?"

"Give me five," you grumble, feeling the urge to roll over and never wake up again.


Scratch that.

Because for the first time in your life, you actually had a really good reason to wake up.

Jungkook is content with that answer as he pushes himself up to his feet, and rolls off the bed. He smiles to himself as he leaves your bedroom and heads downstairs.

By the time you're ready to join Jungkook downstairs, ten minutes have passed. You slipped on some warm black Uggs, and grabbed an extra hoodie.

The mornings on Jeju were always chilly, but the sun warmed up the house very well so the days were never too cold.

Especially when you had Jungkook's body warmth to heat you up whenever you so pleased.

You took your time walking down the stairs, tracing your hand along the guardrail. You breathed in a big breath as you started to hear some of the boys' voices.

A few months ago, the house had stopped smelling like death, and killers.

No more hot metal, gunpowder, or smoke.

Now, it smelled of hot coffee, fresh bread...and smoke.

Yeah, the eight of you hadn't given that up just yet.

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