[39]: Bloodshed

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Jungkook and the others can barely see through the thick downpour of rain, but that doesn't stop them from searching

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Jungkook and the others can barely see through the thick downpour of rain, but that doesn't stop them from searching.


Yoongi veers right, "Echooo!"

Jungkook runs forward, followed by Taehyung.

It isn't long until he spots the greenhouse and fastens his pace in its direction. He was sure there would be some sort of lead.

But just moments later, Jungkook found himself standing above you; passed out in a pool of your own blood.

"Fuck. Guys!" he called out desperately, for help.

"Hobi, how soon can you get here to pick us up!?" Jungkook said into the mic, bending down beside you while Taehyung checked your pulse.

"Eight minutes, give or take."

"It's going to take us longer than that to get her through the club with all those damn people," Yoongi arrived beside them. "We need another way."

The boys circled around you.

"Shit, it's raining so hard!"

"Where's all that blood coming from?" Jimin asked, pointing to the obvious pool beside your body. "Shit. She's bleeding bad."

"I think she went through this glass-door. Look,
ifs all smashed around her. But, it's not too bad, her throat is fine." Jungkook observed aloud, trying to find his composure. He slowly unzips your jacket, manipulating your torso around to reveal the damage.

Jimin was the only one who noticed Jungkook's hands shaking.

You were wearing a long tank top beneath the jacket, but all your clothes had since been coated in water, and blood.

The rain was slowing down now, though.

"Yeah, it just cut her shoulder." Jungkook said to the others, relieved. "Needs stitches but she'll be fine. She's breathing, so let's find Ghost and get home."

"Ghost? Ghost, can you hear us?" Jimin asked, picking your jacket up off the floor.

Jungkook's hands slide under you to hoist you up. He cradled you close, careful to not touch your injured shoulder, and he steps forward.

The boys glanced at each other, and were quick to start walking ahead.

If there was one thing that they all shared the skill of—it was communication. Weather it has to be silent, or spoken, or suggested, they always communicate with each other like they're unbreakable. Like they are inside one another's brains, predicting every move, every idea, and every thought.

Like together, they're bulletproof.


Yoongi was silent in the car. Everyone was.

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