[16]: Exposure

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"You fucking nitwit, Chim

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"You fucking nitwit, Chim."

You turned back around, pretending not to be phased by Reaper's panic, nor Jimin's idiocy.

So 'Jungkook' is your name.

After a long silence, Reaper jumped over the spine of the couch and made quick pace towards you, and short work of the distance between you.


You could predict nothing as loud, heavy footsteps quickly approached you, followed by the feeling of your chair been spun around with a tight strength.

Is he gonna try to hit me?

In just a blurry moment, he had stormed over and grabbed your chair—spinning you around—instantaneously redirecting the energy in the room.


Looking up into the flaming eyes of a beast, you found yourself frozen.


He breathed heavily, eyes impenetrable, and unforgivingly locked into yours. You could cut through the tension in the room with a knife.

It was like a thick blanket that suffocated the three of you.

He had one arm beside your head, against the bench, and the other by your hip on the chair, confident that you weren't going anywhere until he let you.

He closed the gap between your faces to just inches.

"That information is confidential." he growled. Voice so low, that even Jimin standing only four metres away, couldn't hear a word. "If I catch wind of that name being spread, you're the first person I'm coming for."

You had to admit, it was intense.



Your forehead was soon covered with beads of sweat that perfectly mirrored his, dampening a few strands of your fringe in the heated showdown.

For the first few seconds, you were lost in a hot and heavy eye-contact. Maybe you were imagining it, but neither of you seemed to be able to break away from the other.

You could feel his every breath on your face.

Appalled, and on-the-spot, you couldn't decide what to think of the situation. Only, that he was challenging your ego, and a very small part of you didn't want him to stop.

The young man was panicked, too. Maybe even more so than you were. His real name had accidentally been exposed by his drunken partner.

What could he do now?

The safest option was to try and intimidate you enough to never dare speak his name outside of the apartment.

And he had tried his best.

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