[73]: Fortify Me

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⚠️ [T/W]: Death, Gore, Violence ⚠️

Namjoon and Yoongi enter the building first

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Namjoon and Yoongi enter the building first.

The two of them nod and press forward, fists blazing in the cold air as they jog right through the front doors, and into the crossfire. Chaos had erupted inside the league, after the fire-alarm and water sprinklers had been tripped.

You flinched as you heard a few bullets being fired from inside.

Hoseok and Taehyung were up next.

They gave each-other a brief look, and then stormed in.

Then Jin and Jimin.

And finally, you and Jungkook.

You begrudgingly pull away from his tight grip on your hand, and press forward after the others, tearing through the doors.

Full throttle.

You wait for no one and no thing, as you march through the centre of the hallway.

Struggles and all types of bloodshed were erupting on each side of your path as you trudged through the carnage.

Your poker-face was strong.

The boys fought ferociously, brave and bold and unwilling to lose, as you marched right by them.

Knives slashed, bullets flew.

You didn't even look. The chaos on either side didn't phase you enough to spare a glance, as you deadlined for your target.

No time to waste.

In just seconds, you made it to the elevator, pressed the button, and turned around to face the hostile skirmishes going on behind you.

But, what you faced: fiercely guarding your back and standing right behind you, was Jungkook.

He had a tiny splash of blood, resting on the sweet curve of his cheek.

His chest was beating loud as he struggled to catch his breath, after securing the win in an intense wrestle between him and two of the Phantom members.

You smile at Jungkook.

He's with you.

You reach up and gently brush your thumb against his cheek, wiping away the blood splotch.

Then, your eye catches something to the left.

Your focus sways to Yoongi as you see him beneath a stronger suited man, struggling to get the upper-hand in the duel. His teeth are clenched tight as he struggles to find an opening to draw his knife.

Yoongi was at a disadvantage.

Without hesitating, you flick the release on the gun situated in your thigh-strap, and ready the clip before pointing it in their direction, with one arm.

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