[51]: Red & Blue

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11:15PM You stood out the front of the bar with Taehyung, smoking a cigarette

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You stood out the front of the bar with Taehyung, smoking a cigarette.

He had begrudgingly decided to come.

It had been a long night. The group that came for the night to the bar consisted of you, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin.

The four of you had spent an ungodly amount of money on drinks, but it was somewhat evened out by the bar staff constantly offering you plenty of free drinks, too, to pay their respects.

You were like royalty inside there.

Though, some people seemed to really struggle to stick to the treaty, the way they looked at you. It wasn't too shocking, though, as your boss was known worldwide for screwing people over.

And you, being her closest subordinate, unfortunately acquired her reputation, too.

Two minutes ago, you and Taehyung had stepped out for a smoke, as the others said they would join you soon. They were finishing off their drinks.

You faced Taehyung, away from the entry of the hidden bar. He faced you, too.

All of you were mortally drunk. You held yourself the best.

Taehyung couldn't seem to keep his distance from you for the last few hours. Constantly resting his head on you, always trying to get your attention, or steal you away from the others.

It was annoying.

You just wanted to relax.

And flirting? Well, for you, that felt like the opposite of relaxing.

You wanted nothing to do with any of it. That was why you tried not to look into his eyes for too long.

You hadn't forgotten about the time he kissed you without any warning—the last thing you wanted was a repeat of that.

You liked him, but not in that way.

He seemed like bad news, your gut had been telling you to run the opposite way.

Maybe, the Jungkook way.

You were facing Taehyung, but looking out into the dark, smoky alley. He was only looking at you.

Suddenly, you felt a panic of repulsion kick in as a grip sets in onto your backside. There was no mistaking it, someone grabbed your ass.

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