[55]: Snowfall

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If there was just one thing that you had finally started believing over the last few months, it was that nothing actually mattered

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If there was just one thing that you had finally started believing over the last few months, it was that nothing actually mattered.

Everything had a time limit. You realised, way too late, that it was always just a waste of energy, worrying about anything that you couldn't change. The future is inevitable, in all Its' divine cruelty.

Fear doesn't matter.

Pain doesn't matter.

People don't matter, including yourself.

And unfortunately, it was just for this this simple, fleeting moment, but nothing at all mattered to you.

Because your heart was bleeding out, your mind had lost all sense, and your body was desperately slaving to stay alive.

So much had already gone wrong, in this mission.

But, you thought to yourself, at least you had Jungkook.

At least you had a shoulder to rest your head on.

Because, no, you had never had that, before you met him. And, although it was true that you would probably never find yourself actually resting upon him, it was a great comfort to know that if you ever needed to, you could.

It was shocking to find that your unexpected partner, who came from nowhere, had somehow turned out becoming an even less expected comfort for your aching soul.

Yes, it scared you. Vulnerability was impossible for you to welcome. If past you could see where you were now—she'd scream an onslaught of cuss words at you, and probably start spewing blood all over her own shoes. It would disgust her.

So, it was a good thing that the past you, was finally able to be left in the past.

And it was a relief, letting her go.

Granted, it was something you had sworn to never allow: letting your walls down.

But then, there is something quite magical about being wrong.

You get to learn.

And, although Jungkook was still in the very early stages of learning about you, his life was looking up. His vast, greyscale world was starting to pop with colour, one angry outburst at a time.

Maybe you weren't as shut off as you had always thought.

Maybe, all it took, was someone who knew you would be worth suffering for.




The morning light pouring in through the window was pinky orange, in colour. It lit up your room, changing the hue of the silky white bedsheets.

Your eyes were still closed, trying to adjust to the new daybreak, when you felt a tickle on your chin.

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