[29]: Sharks Smell Blood

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Of course the bar wasn't nearly as busy, around nine in the morning

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Of course the bar wasn't nearly as busy, around nine in the morning.

In fact, there wasn't even a single customer.

But, to your utmost gratitude, the same guy from the night before was still working. He was polishing some silverware as you, and five of the boys walked inside.

He looked up. "Morning."

Then he saw you.

"Ah, welcome back."

His smile was so welcoming.

You offered one back, making your way towards him and leading the rest of the boys there, too.


"What can I do for you?" he asked, swapping one polished fork for another.

You lifted yourself up and onto a stool, setting your elbows on the bench and taking your time getting comfortable.

"Well, I wanted to come and talk to you about last night."

"Right," he said, pointing a finger along the lineup of guys who stood behind you. "And who are all these men? Should I be concerned?"

Ah, a joke.


"Just some friends." you lied.

"Nice bandaid." he replied.

You weren't sure exactly why that comment sounded sarcastic. Maybe he was clowning you for everything that went down, or maybe it was just comical that you had a bandaid on your face.

(You hadn't realised that the band-aid Namjoon applied was My Little Pony themed).

Either way, you ignored it.

"Do you know the names of any of those guys?" was the first question you asked.

He sighed deeply. It looked like he was uncomfortable talking about it, or, maybe, he was just trying to find the way he was going to.

"No, I don't. But the big fella comes in here a lot. You'll see him around town, but only after dark." the guy made eye-contact with you again, holding a glass for polishing now. "He seemed to be very interested in you."

"I got that," you sassed. "So what can you tell me about him?"

"Not much, just that he's someone to be weary of."

You pursed your lips, not at all satisfied with the minimal information you had managed to squeeze out of this kid so far.

"And what's your name, if you don't mind me asking?"

You were shocked to hear Namjoon's deep voice from behind. And it was odd of him to ask such a forward, demanding question. Was he suspicious of this guy?

He smiled. "Hyunjin."

You nod your head.

So it wasn't much. Hyunjin was only able to tell you things you already knew. The guy is dangerous, he's big, blah, blah, blah. You needed more.

He happened to notice you thinking hard about what to say next, but he didn't have much else to give. Everything he said had been true. What else was there?

"What I can do, is warn you. These guys aren't to be underestimated." he started to finish up. "I'm sure I don't need to tell you that it's probably not in your best interest playing Cat and Mouse, if you aren't one-hundred percent sure that you were ever the cat in the first place."

A warning.

Hyunjin warned you not to follow them.

But why?

Maybe because, in doing so, you would end up just chasing your own tails for who knows how long. At least, if it were true that these guys wanted something to do with you.

Or maybe, they would lead you right to the foot of a trap.

He was right. It wouldn't be smart.

"Why are they after us?" Taehyung snapped, as he had been provoked time and time again over the last few weeks. He was inflamed and desperate to know more.

"Wish I could tell you, man."

"Okay, I think we got what we needed." Namjoon said, turning, and directing Taehyung out with him. "Let's head off. Thank you for your help."

Some of the boys followed directly behind him, while you staggered slower than the rest. You waved goodbye to Hyunjin, and thanked him with a smile.

Once everyone was outside, and you were sure they weren't going back in, you pretended to check all of your pockets for something.

"Shoot, left my phone."

You headed back inside.

Back at the bench, Hyunjin reappeared. He was smiling, but in a way which presented him as somebody who had lived with a full-time frown.


"I know there's something else." you said. "It's just me, now. The others won't know."

Hyunjin's eyes darted back towards the door where the group was gathering. They were waiting for you, but not paying too much attention.

Plus, the windows were tinted dark. It was hard to see inside.


His eyes came back to you.

Putting down whatever it was he was doing, his limbs lost their stiffness. He reached into his pocket and—while making sure to check if the boys were still unaware of your conversation—he slid you a piece of folded up paper.

"Do with this what you will."

You immediately slid it into your deepest pocket, not even opening it. You weren't sure what it was, but you weren't going to risk anything just yet.

"Thank you."

You could see now, that he was finally finished. There wasn't anything more for you, and Hyunjin had done his part. So, with the intention of doing yours, you started making your leave.

You didn't know his role in these parts, but he knew yours. And he was helping. Which, surprisingly, meant that he had proved himself as a man who wanted you to win, much more than anyone else from your group had.

"Hey, Y/N?"

You spun back around one last time, feeling your blood run cold at the thought of him knowing your real name without ever having told him.

Your eyes were wide, fists clenched.


"There's blood in the water, now." he said.

So stern. So disciplinary and rigid. Apparently, not the same guy you waved to when you first entered the bar. His slender finger had pointed itself towards your face, probably where the bandaid was.

"So watch out for the sharks."

Some part that inhabited you very, very deep down, was a feeling that was sure Hyunjin knew exactly what he was talking about.

And, to account, knew more than you.

It would be of great sense to listen to him.

"You should ask your friend, about the man following you."

Something definitely wasn't right. Without any indication as to why, Hyunjin had pulled out his phone, and showed you a picture of one of the associates.

It's Yoongi. A photo of Yoongi.

"He's the one who can make people disappear."

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