[08]: Mystery Man

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As you turned in your sleep, you became more aware of the heavy pressure building up in your head

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As you turned in your sleep, you became more aware of the heavy pressure building up in your head.

Even the unconscious version of you had creases in your forehead which showed how much discomfort you were feeling.

You were frowning in your sleep.

Truthfully, you couldn't remember anything legitimate from the night before.

That alone was enough to convince you that you shouldn't have drank as much as you did.

You tried to control your breathing as your body adjusted to the newfound consciousness. You tossed and turned uncomfortably.

Reluctantly, you creaked your eyes open, and were relieved when you noticed that you must have been smart enough to close the blinds, the night before.

"Fuuuck," you groaned loudly, as the rest of your agony caught up to you.

Forcing yourself to slowly sit up, you moved your legs around in the silky sheets. Every muscle in your back, as well as your legs, whined and screamed out in an exhaustion that you hadn't experienced in a long time.

Everything got worse as soon as you sat up.

When your eyes had the chance to explore the room, they also started spinning around in your head. A wave of dizziness passed you by, along with a sickness that felt all too familiar. Instantly as your eyes turned, your head throbbed with so much raw power, that it felt like it was going to explode at any given moment.

Maybe it was...

That was when you remembered him.

Just for a split second, your mind flashed with a picture of the angel cloaked darkness.

You didn't have much time to think about the mysterious man that visited you behind your eyelids, because you felt a familiar feeling gurgle up from the pit of your stomach, up your throat, and rising fast. That feeling that follows after every revengeful night on the drinks.

One feeling that you hate.

One that tells you that you need to act fast.

With both arms, you vaulted your body across the bedroom—gliding along the wooden flooring, sliding haphazardly across the bathroom tiles and landing at the foot of the toilet—before purging your entire guts into the porcelain bowl.

Just in time.

It didn't take long for your body to finish its work. You were done spewing before the clock clicked.

Wiping the excess off your face with some spare toilet paper, you let out a huge experimental sigh, and lay down on your back, against the cold bathroom tiles.

It was actually refreshing; it felt good to be emptied out again.

No more poison in your system.

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