[34]: Starlight

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He killed him

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He killed him.

Without any hesitation.

After Jungkook had finished dragging the deceased body to a more discrete area, he turned to face you.

His expression brought the anger with him.

"Don't make me do that ever again." he said, dusting his hands off and catching his breath.

You furrowed your eyebrows, "Do what?"

He replied quickly.

"Leave you."

You didn't know what to say. Why was he acting like your safety was any kind of his business?


Jungkook didn't seem to want to hear what you were going to say. Without any sort of warning, he reached his hand to your face, gently gripped your chin, and moved your head upwards.

You were looking him dead in the eyes. Confused, filled with adrenaline, and angry.

His breathing was heavy. His eyes were grim, unlit by the dark hallway. It was like he was inspecting every freckle on your face, the way he took his time.

"We're a team now." he finally broke the frustrating silence. "No more one-man-show, Red."


"You need to get used to your teammates." he let go of your chin, "You're not alone in this, anymore."

He's speaking as if loneliness is something you aren't fond of. But if he had any idea of who you were—he'd know that loneliness is your only type of peace.

"Let's keep moving."

You walked away, not leaving him a chance to continue.

Somehow, despite the mass of his strength, you had to continue to demonstrate your own. You had to make it known that you weren't someone to be pushed around by him. Or anyone for that matter.

Jungkook followed behind you.

He didn't feel defeated, yet.

The man who had jumped you a few minutes ago, was the one guard who seemed to have been protecting a door. There wasn't much else he could have been doing—standing in front of an unlocked door with a huge rifle.

So it was no wonder what you had to do.

Quickly finding your way back to that door, you waste no time in opening it. But you make sure to do so cautiously. Unaware of what you would face on the other side, timing was beyond important.

Admittedly, you had not been tuning into the chatter exchanged between the others on the intercom, for that last ten minutes. There was too much in your face to focus on.

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