[24]: Standoff

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The voices couldn't be mistaken

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The voices couldn't be mistaken. It was the kind of chatter that was definitely coming your way.


Instantly switching to defence-mode, you launched towards the cutlery drawer and opened it, only to find a cheese knife, and a silver spoon with teeth marks in it.

You took both, just to be safe.

You ran back towards the couch which, luckily, had the spine facing the door. You jumped over it and summersaulted into a position where you could hide effectively.

Drawing the cheese knife towards the entry point of the room, your eyes peered over the couch and locked onto the door.

Just as expected, the door opened.

The room was instantly filled with two deep causal-conversation-having voices. Chattering away as if you weren't just about to launch this knife into the skull of at least one of them.

"Stop!" you ordered loudly, anxious to engage too quickly.

The voices immediately silenced and the room became thick with anxiety and tension, before you even got a glimpse of who was coming inside.

What if it's Taehyung and Jimin bringing the weapons? Or one of the new teammates?

You can't kill them yet. Friendly fire has always been a punishable offence. Especially if uncalled for.

That was what made you hesitate, only, the fear that the face you'd meet would be one you recognised. 

Into the room stepped two of them.

You recognised both of their faces, but not enough to be comfortable letting your weapon down. They both had some sort of item to cover their face, so you couldn't be sure.

One had glasses, the other had a low cap-hat.

In a matter of seconds, one of them had drawn his handgun in your direction. He positioned himself ready to fire, and shouted:

"Identify yourself!"

Standing up straight, fully exposing yourself, and holding the knife behind your shoulder, prepared to throw it with some sort of accuracy, you replied:

"You first!"

There was no way you were backing down first.

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