[41]: SafeHouse

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You don't even really remember waking up

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You don't even really remember waking up.

Nor going to sleep, for that matter.

Five minutes ago you were asleep, suddenly you weren't. Dropping in and out of consciousness.

You had been staring blankly at the ceiling for what felt like forever, reviewing what small snippets of the previous night your brain could pull together. It was like a slideshow.

You were so disorientated; but had finally started coming back into yourself a few hours ago.

Had you dreamt last night?

How did you get here?

You furrowed your eyebrows, and began looking around the room, quick to realise how charming it was.

Though, the simple wooden-plank walls perfectly reflected the still nature of the safe-house room.

Thankfully, the house wasn't used very often.

There wasn't an enormous amount of decor illuminating the room. But what there was—a chest of drawers, side table, queen bed—all seemed to be expensive, and of upper-class value.

The house gave off the impression of a classic, American family lake-house.

A very high roof, wooden walls and flooring, clear windows the size of walls, and beautiful matching furniture.

It smelled like musk, and was warm inside.

While looking around your bed, you lay completely flat and motionless.

It was now that you were able to feel the painful throbbing sensation coming from your right arm.

Your brain seemed to be ticking a million miles per second, while also being incredibly groggy and difficult to navigate.

"Good," a deep voice grabbed your attention. "You're awake."

Instinctively, you glanced towards the door.

Jungkook stood comfortably, filling the doorway with his broad shoulders. His arms were crossed leaning towards one side of the frame, he wore an enchanting look in his eyes. His dark hair fell loosely around his face, framing it nicely.

It looked like his eyes had been trained on you for a while.

"Hi." you replied lowly, sort of resembling a stunned deer in some headlights.

Jungkook stepped into the room and closed the distance between your bed and his body, standing beside you, and exploring your face with his eyes.

"I was starting to wonder if you were dead."


"No." he shook his head and took his seat beside your legs. "I kept a good eye on you while you were out."

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