[70]: Drowning

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"I'm not

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"I'm not." he said, convincing no one. "That bandage must be messing with your sight."

You had to hold back a laugh, purely because of the pain you knew it would conduct in your chest. "Sure."

A heavy silence followed.

You narrowed your eyes. "It looks like all the little Jungkook clouds are raining," you observed, pointing at him with a tuft of amusement in you.

"That's what it feels like, too."

Jungkook's tears were only getting bigger in his eyes, and much harder to restrain. He wiped his face, desperate to withhold until at least you didn't have to see it.

He lowered his face, hoping to avoid you. You noticed his throat clutching for air, as he swallowed every little sob.


No response.

He had a finger and thumb pressed hard into his forehead. His hair hung over his face. It looked like he was trying to force his attention away from whatever it was that he was feeling.


Finally, he looked up.

A perfect tear dropped from each eye, his lips parted and pink with the struggle of withholding. His eyes were sad and screaming for help.

"I don't know why I feel like this." he admitted, a choke in between the words.

"You don't need to know," you tapped the space on the bed beside you.

As if it was instinct, he immediately started crawling into position. Kicking off his shoes, and planking over your body before he was comfortable right at your side.

You both sighed.

"I just..." his throat made an unhappy noise as he desperately, with all of his might, tried to swallow his cries. "...It feels like i'm drowning."

"You don't need to explain it, Jungkook," you assured, rubbing his shoulder in hopes of calming him down. "And you don't need water to feel like you're drowning."


"So, we at least have that. Right? The blueprint plan."

The group, including the eight of you, had gathered together in Jin's living room, three days after the Nakamura slaughter.

"Yeah. The first step is in stone, at least."

"What should we do with that thing?" Hoseok questioned, pointing towards the glistening Egg that was starting to feel more like a curse than any find of mighty fortune. "Kind of feels weird having it just sit there."

"We bring it with us." Namjoon claimed. "There's no better bait on earth, to draw Chaewon out of her lair. It needs to be there."

"So, we have a plan. And we have a goal." Taehyung murmured, going over it all in his head. "But, what about Y/N?"

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