[63]: Sunshine

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"Y/N, I need you to stay with me

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"Y/N, I need you to stay with me."

"Breathe, baby, breathe."

"I've got you, don't worry, you're okay."

Your whole world had gone black, and if it wasn't for the gentle whispers of assurance from who you knew to be Jungkook—you definitely would have thought you were dead.

A hot, burning sensation had overwhelmed your body enough to send you into shock.

You barley felt anything anymore.

You could not see, nor feel. You could only hear.

You could only hear Jungkook, as his calm voice seemed to echo around your head like it was on repeat.

You held onto his voice, as it was the only thing anchoring you to the real word.

You hoped it would be enough.

You hoped he could save you.


Consciousness is a weird thing.

When a body has been damaged and hurt to the point of losing consciousness, it normally comes and goes in waves for a while.

At least, that is what you had taken from the last twenty minutes.

Falling in and out, you kept losing yourself.

You could feel the light, it streamed into your eyes like hot lava, although you still had them closed.

You couldn't feel much at all, in these moments.

The world was quiet, motionless, but bright.

Trying to wiggle your fingers and toes was an inevitable fail, before you finally gave an honest attempt at opening your eyes.

You squeezed them shut as tight as you could first, to at least regain some feeling.

As you slowly tore them apart and they split open, the light poured in unrelentingly. It was ruthless, inducing a quick, striking headache.

White light was all you could make of the world, when you finally got them open for the first few seconds.

And then, things started to shape and take form.

You were in a room, in a bed.

You didn't recognise the place, but you didn't need to.

On either side of you, there were dark silhouettes which seemed to be moving around you.

Exchanging glances with one another, and quietly moving around on their chairs.

A soft groan escaped your lips.

"She's awake."

"Guys, guys."

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