[57]: Sinking Feeling

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"Is it true?"

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"Is it true?"

You stared into Jungkook's eyes with a sort of burning intensity that would make any normal person cower away in fear.

But not him.

For Jungkook was not a normal person.

And, he was used to you.

He narrowed his eyes at you, maintaining strong eye-contact. He played into the silence for a long moment, as he knew exactly what you were asking.

For you, the pause was agony.

The trajectory of your life could have landed right between Jungkook's lips, as his next sentence had the power to change everything.

It all came bubbling to a head as an inescapable pit of flames and fury wells in the living room, you held your breath and sunk your nails deep into your palms before you heard:


Jungkook observed your skin flash white for a minute as if all the blood had poured out of the stab wound that he just put in your back.

Your pupils shrank, while it seemed like your gaze had also shifted. Darkened. He had a fleeting concern that maybe you had stopped breathing, completely.

It felt like you had just hit the bottom of a very deep pool.

The sinking feeling had returned.

"Yeah, it's true." Jungkook said again, to make sure there was no mistaking the truth.

Hearing him say it the second time really solidified it for you.

Jungkook couldn't possibly have the balls to lie to your face about this, in this moment. He had to be smarter then that. You knew it, and so did he.

You were sure that he knew you wouldn't hesitate to put a silver bullet right between his eyes, if you were to find out he had lied.

He couldn't lie.

He didn't.

"Jin's alive?"

Your voice was uneven and shaky. It cracked and twisted while Jungkook's heart simply grew more tender, aching loudly for you.

He just wanted to hug and hold you, and keep you nice and warm in his arms, throughout the unforgiving winter.

He nodded firmly. Confirming again.

He didn't expect you to take the news well. But, often the most honourable thing that comes with telling the truth is that you have to be there to face how it affects people.

And Jungkook wasn't going anywhere.

"B-But how? Where is he? How do you and Taehyung even-"

You stopped talking immediately when Jungkook's hand landed on your thigh, giving it a very gentle squeeze.

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