[74]: Too Casual

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The road beneath you flies by much faster then you're able to keep track of

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The road beneath you flies by much faster then you're able to keep track of.

Your eyes are wilting and tired, unable to focus on anything outside as the van full of dark, cryptic killers speeds down an on-ramp.

No one had spoken since you all retreated back to the car, aside from a brief headcount from captain Namjoon, to make sure everyone was alive. At least, to some extent.

Every single one of you was covered in blood, and grime, and water from the fire-preventing measures, back at the building. You all are barely breathing as you lean deep into the leathery comfort of your seats.

You had to leave your bike. Jungkook's orders.

He didn't want you driving. Not now.

Your hands are resting cold and sterile in your lap, your head craned back against the headrest but turned to face the window. You were in the back seat beside Jungkook, who had Jimin beside him.

Hosoek had to drive, for Namjoon had sustained a relatively small injury to his bare left shoulder. A shock to no one but him. So, he sat sulky in the passenger seat.

Yoongi, Taehyung and Jin had all crammed into the back, back seat. Silence was all that they offered, too.

There was really no way to describe the way the atmosphere suffocated you, it just did. Maybe it was a few off-shore thoughts passing by, about what you had all just done. The strangling doubt and mourn was painfully evident in the car.

Jungkook didn't say a word to you. He just sat there. He sat there in silence, making a point of nudging his thigh against yours, just so you know.

He's there.

"So..." Jin says.

Of course.

His voice cut through the air with way more sudden edge than Jin probably expected when he first opened his mouth.

"Um..." his voice drifts off like a sea-breeze. He pauses, lacking the ability to read the room. Or maybe, just not considerate of appropriate timing. Jin pursed his lips awkwardly, before mumbling, "Everyone enjoy themselves?"


You almost turn around to look at him.

But you can't.

No. Your glare would probably kill him.

"Yeah, I had a great time." Yoongi chimes in unexpectedly and obviously sarcastic. "Every single fibre of my being wants to go back and do it all again, just for the fun."

Namjoon scoffs in the front seat, clutching his stab-wound in moderate pain.

Gloomy silence follows. Nome of you have the might nor the energy to ignore the gory, bloody gashes that were struck by grief, as it lingered in your weakness. In the shadows.

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