[17]: Aftermath

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The morning after was nothing short of embarrassing

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The morning after was nothing short of embarrassing.

Opening your eyes didn't hurt as much as it had once before, as you had started to grow used to hangovers. Despite the discomfort in them, they had become your normal.

What wasn't nearly so bearable, was those few moments of silence while your brain slowly rekindled all the forgotten memories of the night before.

All the stumbling accidents, pathetic jokes, falls, and over-sharing, you were starting to remember. Your brain was ticking, putting all the puzzle-pieces together to create the absolute bombardment of a night. The humiliation of that alone, was utterly painful.

Hoping it would be easy to forget, you forced yourself to roll over, and your body did so awkwardly under the sheets.

Once you were facing the other way, and focused your eyes, you were met with the naked, muscular back of a man.


Your breath hitched in your throat.

It felt like your mouth had gone dry, as your mind was a crazed course of desperate, scrambling thoughts trying to recall how and why this random man had made his way into your bed.

Who was it?

Why do I recognise that floral tattoo?

It was like a ravenous fire of fears, moments before you were sure to pass out from lack of oxygen, the thick, tense atmosphere was filled with a low, croaky voice.

"Don't worry." he near-whispered. "Nothing happened."


Wait, Jungkook.

That's right, you thought, his given name is Jungkook.

You felt relived to hear him say that. But a part of you questioned if it were really true. If nothing was really all that happened.

Because if so, why was he without a shirt?

On top of feeling uncontrollably attracted to his sleepy voice, and the fact that you still couldn't seem to catch your breath—this moment of ferocity made calming yourself down a lot harder.

You were simply frozen.

Contradicting the tension that you were feeling trapped under—Jungkook seemed oddly calm and collected in his response. He was simply breathing casual replies that helped your mind feel at ease as the seconds ticked by. He was speaking in a way that was convincingly comfortable.

But there was easily nothing comfortable about Jeon Jungkook being in your bed.

"Why are you in here?"

A slow moan flowed from his lips as he turned from facing the other direction, and rolled onto his back, looking right up at the ceiling with heavy eyes.

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