[47]: In A Flash

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It was no surprise to find that your squad had wound up running a little late this afternoon.

It was no easy task, wrangling up five rebellious, demanding, and stupidly annoying young boys, into the car.

Now, it was just the five of you—the lead offence group with the exception of Hoseok and Namjoon, defence, who remained in the car on standby. You and the others approached the building, crouching, in dark armoured clothing.

You were all focused and well on-guard.

The building was tall. Six or seven stories.


Its' walls were cracked and corroded, the metal ladders on either side seemed to have rotted to the core.

"Maybe we have the wrong address?" Jimin wondered aloud, as he ran his finger along the once white, now brown, exterior wall.

"Maybe they want us to think that." you replied quickly, noticing a low-hanging ladder that seemed to be stronger than the rest. "No harm in making sure."

You shifted underneath it and used your body weight to confirm the structural integrity. Then, you were soon settled on the fact that this was a solid vantage point to climb.

At least, one at a time.

"Two up this way, to scout the second floor." you glanced down towards the attentive boys below, who were paying close attention to your words. "The rest of you start on the first. Then, we all make our way up through the levels. No floor left unchecked."

The boys weren't surprised to see you already taking initiative.

You were a natural born leader.

It was almost like you had a sixth sense for these types of things, the way you always knew the best way to approach a mission.

"Alright, Echo, me and you." Jungkook ensured, repositioning himself closer to you, in the circle. "That leaves you three, Badger, Suga and Whistler to scoop the first floor."

"You guys go inside, i'll keep spot from the shrub over here."

Yoongi had the right idea.

It was smart of him observe from outside; easy to reach if it all turns south inside, or someone tries at an ambush. He could be the eyes and ears of your team from outside. Acting as a lookout, and a great safety for the team.

At the very least, he'd be closer than the others who played the role of the getaway drivers.

"Okay. Whistler, there's a good window on the left wing." Taehyung continued, sounding somewhat grumpy.

To you, it seemed more like focused.

"Yes, sir." Jimin agreed with his partner, acting a sarcastic shocked. "Does everyone have their headsets on and working?"

He clicked his intercom button at his ear and started muttering, "Testing, testing..."

Although you would never admit it, you secretly really enjoyed using the headsets with these boys.

While on the lines, they were always so witty.

Cracking jokes and amusing one-another often served as a relaxant, to ease your nerves on the missions.

Despite being loud and annoying, it was sort of fun.

The major group nodded, and you reached for your firearm to actively encourage them to do the same.

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