[49]: On The Double

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Yoongi and Jungkook stood as still as ever, side by side, staring at your bed where you laid unconscious

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Yoongi and Jungkook stood as still as ever, side by side, staring at your bed where you laid unconscious.

They were deeply disheartened and ashamed to see you so beaten and bruised, covered in bandages, and wearing an oxygen mask just to help your lungs do their job.

The two of them looked so tired.

Everyone was tired.

The whole team had been suffering. Clutching at breadcrumbs is unsustainable.

This painfully long mission—with no definite progress in sight—was starting to pulverise them all. And weakening you, too. Your bodies, and minds, and souls were fading into a tangled mess of blood, sweat and tears.

You were all losing hope. Slowly, but surely.

And how, seeing you like this, after everything.

Well, it was just sort of...bleak.

"You think she'll be alright?" Yoongi asked, his voice monotone, a perfect personification of how he was feeling. Not to mention the dark, cloudy day blossoming outside.

"Yeah, she'll be fine." Jungkook responded with wit. "Death fears her, man."

Yoongi chuckled lowly, Jungkook grinned. They both knew that it was probably true, considering all the unsuspecting obstacles you had recently faced, and conquered.

"I told her about us."

Jungkook's head swivelled towards Yoongi after his sudden statement shocked the room, his mouth hung low as he asked: "How much did you tell her?"

"Not too much," Yoongi kept his gaze at you, his arms crossed. "Just a little about our pasts, and I told her the origin story of The Crimson Dragon."

"So...does she know-"

"Nah," Yoongi replied. "But it won't take long for her to figure it out, i'm sure. It's just a waiting game now."

"Yeah, you're probably right." he still kept his voice low, in consideration of you still sleeping. "She's so damn smart, it's impossible not to underestimate her."

Both of the boys rested with bad posture, and their hands now in their pockets.

The silent room that they stood in felt heavy with the weight of their sorrow.

However, there was a glimmer of hope present, fuelling their endurance that was like a beacon of light shining through a room of shadows.

Jungkook sighed loudly.

"She was always going to find out, in the end."



The saturated haze of lifted dust and rubble didn't have much time to settle before the boys broke off into a disorderly reflex.

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