[27]: More To Her

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Three days

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Three days.

Three days had passed.


You, and everyone around you, knew it was time to get moving. You needed to be digging deeper, looking harder.

The Imperial Egg was somewhere in Busan. So were you.

So what was stopping you?

Sure, it was a large city. But that never stopped you before.

As the days ticked on by and you failed to make any promising ground, you started to seriously wonder if it was the boys that were holding you back.

And of course, you hadn't bothered to get to know any of them.

You didn't know if they were really on your side.

Trust wasn't in your vocabulary.

And, you—better than anyone—knew that your world was a house of cards and by the looks of the boy's experience, they weren't playing smart.

Maybe going in alone, was the only way to catch a lead.

That was when you reached the bottom of your beer.

With a sigh, you placed the large glass back down onto the wooden bar top. You let your head swing to the side, as you eyed off everyone else in the bar.

You were the only one from the group here.

Call it selfish, but you needed some alone time.

You represented an empire. There was a lot to think about, to consider, and to do.

You owed them the Egg. You owe it to them, to her, and to yourself.

You have to find it.

No matter what.

There was a nightclub section of this bar. A place to go to let loose and dance beneath the strobes. A place to smile, stumble, and enjoy recklessness.

You gestured towards the bartender for another beer.

You got his attention quick, as if he were waiting for you to order, and he prioritised your drink over some others that rested upon the same line as you.

The man brought the beer towards you while you kept your head low, trying to focus on the thumping songs from upstairs.

"You're not from around here," he spoke. A slight light-heartedness to his tone. "Are you?"

You shook your head, hoping he would leave it alone.

But he remained right there. Keeping himself busy with another drink. Using the tap in front of you, and taking his time with this one.

"You make it too obvious."

He was almost whispering now.

Your ears were trained on his voice now, but your head was low, a cap hat covering your eyes.

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